But what type of real crisis are we talking about? Like a negative ripple effect on our fragile economy Sequestration will bring? Or an increasingly belligerent Iran and North Korea, two rogue players on the world stage? Or the brewing tempest in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon that could be made much worse by an overzealous Turkey attempting to fill any leadership vacuum created by a collapse of Iran's puppet nation-states? Or the need for real reform of our tax code and entitlements that would ensure our citizens future and our country's economic and fiscal security? I could go on, but I think you "catch my drift." Instead of sitting down and working towards real solutions to real problems, our political leaders in Washington are playing a game of hide and seek, moving away and hiding from responsibilities while seeking an alleged "high ground" to proselytize why their ideology is more worthy than their opponents (in an effort to steer huge sums of campaign cash and support to themselves).
Is America paying attention yet? I think so, but I am not sure to what extent. Far too many Americans have "bought" into the notion that we are a nation divided by obvious differences, highlighted by the ideologically oriented for-profit media with the objective to perpetuate our division in order to maximize political gain. We seem to prefer our leaders debate solutions to fake problems without really discussing what our real problems are. We are blinded by political factionalism instead of being guided by the bright lights of liberty and democracy. It is time for Americans on this day commemorating the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, to respect our differences while embracing our mutual interests as a nation. It is not too late to bring our nation together again to work on common causes, and to avert pending crises that are created out of whole cloths of ideological narratives. It all starts with one American connecting with another, and then another and so on, regardless of political or ideological orientation. Pass the word, America is for all Americans! As Lincoln so eloquently stated in 1858, "A House Divided Cannot Stand." Let's begin by celebrating our common goals and aspirations...to keep America great!