Does anyone think how many people lost money from Trump's s "smart" business dealings? Bankruptcies may be smart for companies to protect its owners, but it almost never helps those left holding the financial "bag" from the fallout created. Obviously Trump knows how to play that game, but do Americans know it comes at a great cost to working-class folks that routinely get burned from such "relief?" When pundits claim raising wages will be passed along to consumers, why can't they also admit that when businesses default on their debt, their losses get passed along to consumers as well? How can Trump and his supporters raise the issue of Solyndra's bankruptcy (the solar energy company that defaulted on Federal Energy loans with losses in excess of $500 Million) when their own candidate has chosen this form of relief - at least four times (claiming in one year over $900 Million in losses)? Hypocrisy anyone?
As I have repeatedly stated, just because I do not support Trump does not mean I support Clinton. I simply cannot support Trump. It's that simple. He may be the worst party nominee ever for the presidency. Like many Americans, I am greatly concerned about this election cycle. Also like many, I wish this election was over. But that certainly wont stop Trump supporters from pursuing old and new conspiracy theories as they relate to Clinton. I mean, how long into her first term will there be calls for her impeachment? I bet many won't even wait beyond the second weekend in November! Perhaps odds should be given in Vegas for this potential event? If some demanded within hours of Obama's first inauguration that efforts be undertaken for him to fail, you can bet Articles of Impeachment are already being drafted by the GOP.
As President Abraham Lincoln once wrote; "Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing." Too bad we have so many Trump supporters clinging to conspiracies from the "shadows" instead of looking at what matters - the "tree!" Have a great week and Happy New Year to all of my Jewish friends.