Next up on the "sky is falling" cynical train is Carly Fiorina. Yes, the very same Carly that boasts of her business acumen to convince voters that she is a serious businesswoman. Except Ms. Fiorina has a limited list of success as a businesswoman. In reality, the (alleged) rising star of the GOP was fired from Hewlett-Packard after the company suffered a devastating down turn under her leadership. But she knows that and cynically claims otherwise. For someone allegedly "new" to politics, she sure knows how to "game" the system when it comes to pandering to a seriously wanting voting base. But her coup de grace? Her inflammatory claim that there is video of Planned Parenthood tearing babies apart during late term abortions and why Planned Parenthood should be de-funded and forced to end all health services to women. Except, there is no such video in existence (See When caught in her lie about Planned Parenthood and the video, what does Fiorina say? Like any other politician that manipulates the ignorant voting public, she issues a "No Comment" response. Why should she come "clean" on her lie when the "paste has been successfully squeezed from the tube?" Its affect has already been felt. Mission accomplished from her lie. Once again, folks hypocritically support another politician willing to say anything to get their votes. And the evidence that has caused the GOP-led House to pass legislation to de-fund Planned Parenthood (HR3134)? The knowingly non-existent claims of Planned Parenthood late term "murders." (See So the Republicans are just as bad at lying as Democrats. The means does not justify the end. Lying is lying. Only with honesty will the public regain faith in our government!
Although I once respected Dr. Ben Carson for his medical acumen, the good doctor pandered to the GOP base by perpetuating the scientifically debunked notion that child vaccinations cause Autism. Since when does a physician of Dr. Carson's stature follow the lead of Jenny McCarthy (who started this dis-information campaign against vaccines). Every medical research group has concluded that Autism is NOT caused by vaccinations. Yet the "Good Doctor" knows that his supporters view vaccines as government intrusion so he reinforces their fears and loathing by pandering to their ignorance. He knows that they want the liberty and freedom to keep their children vaccine free (and filled with potential contagious diseases we once thought were eradicated). The sad part is that Carson is either cynically playing to a willing audience like any other politician or he is just not as good a doctor as he would want everyone to believe him to be. Either way, Carson has lost my respect for making such a claim. (Since writing this blog, Dr. Carson went on to embarrass the hell out of thinking individuals. Carson claimed being Muslim was counter to the Constitution and any follower of Islam should not serve as President. Hmm. How can being a Muslim be counter the Constitution when Art. VI of that document reads - "; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." So Dr. Carson is also ignorant of basic fundamental Civil Liberties shared by everyone. He Gone!)
Again, to my detractors that love to send me hate mail, when Fox and CNN put the democrats on the national stage for their "made for television" events, I will comment on their lies and misstatements. Until then, the GOP has the national stage for their cynical pandering.
But the latest "you've got to be kidding" moment did not arise during the CNN "event" but in our local newspapers. Florida Congressman Vern Buchanan is at it again. This time, Mr. Buchanan is publicly demanding the Senate do away with the Filibuster (See Yep, a member of the House is demanding changes to Senate Filibuster rules that have been in place since 1917! Seems Mr. Buchanan has just realized that the Democrat's use of the Filibuster has led to "dysfunction" in the higher chamber. Earth to Mr. Buchanan, where were you since 2009 when the GOP used the Filibuster to force over 382 cloture votes? (See
Where were other GOP members of Congress to complain about the Filibuster when it was used by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to frustrate every Democratic initiative, including budget measures? No where of course. Only when the Democrats use the very same tactic against the GOP Majority do Republicans cry "Foul." Dysfunction in Congress? You bet! Now it must be stopped? Only when the GOP is frustrated in the Senate by the Minority! Politicians are so predictable. When rules go in their favor they exploit them to the fullest. When they are no longer in their favor they call for their elimination. This is inherent in both parties. Be careful what you wish for. The Senate is going to be up for grabs in 2016 and the GOP cannot risk any changes to the Filibuster. Why? Because by doing so, the Minority party in the Senate will be forced to accept the Majority's legislation. Do Republicans want to risk losing every legislative battle in the Senate? Do they really want to eliminate a tool used by the Minority Party in the Senate for close to 100 years? Perhaps the Filibuster is not the real problem, Mr. Buchanan. Perhaps the real problem is the abuse of the Filibuster by members of both parties?! Ironically, Mr. Buchanan, IF you really want to make a change in the Senate rules, perhaps you should try to become a member of that chamber instead of barking from the other side of the fence? I mean, Rubio's Florida Senate seat is up for grabs. Why not risk losing your safe seat in the House for a chance to make a real impact in the Senate? Could it be that you would stand a chance of losing that campaign or if successful, members of your own party will dismiss you (like they routinely have when you claim we need a balanced Federal Budget)? Talk is cheap, but so are politicians these days. They sure seem willing to sell out for virtually anything. Again, I'll attack the Democrats when they "take the stage."
As President Harry Truman once wrote; "Those who want the Government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination." Isn't it well past time to demand our politicians speak the truth and have the Media call them out when they know they are lying? Let's hold all politicians, Republican and Democrat alike to a standard of honesty and integrity, and only then will faith in our government return. Have a great week!