Seems Boehner (who was purposely left out during the President's recent "charm initiative"), is complaining that Obama needs to show less "charm" and more "leadership" by convincing members of the Democratic Party to make "difficult choices necessary to solve our long-term debt crisis." He goes on to write that "lawmakers and interests in the president's party are standing in the way... (of the effort to) forge common ground and stand up for middle-class jobs." Yes, Boehner wrote this!
What is puzzling is Boehner's failure to acknowledge any role members of his own party have played in defiantly blocking extensions to the debt ceiling and reforms to the tax code that would benefit the Nation. Boehner also seems to ignore he himself, abdicated his Constitutional requirement (Art. I, Sect. VII) that the House of Representatives initiate budget proposals, and instead demanded the Senate come up with alternative plans before the House act. What kind of leadership has Boehner shown as Speaker when he is driven more by political self-preservation rather than national needs? Was it not the GOP led House that refused to entertain let alone pass any jobs bills suggested by the President? Was it not the House that stated no Obama related jobs bills can be approved without severe cuts to other "discretionary" programs? Was it not the GOP led House that blocked Emergency Disaster Relief to New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and parts of Virginia, even though much of the emergency funds would have created new construction jobs? Where was Speaker Boehner's courage when fellow Republican Governor Chris Christie lambasted the GOP House over this issue? In fact, not only did Boehner fail to lead on that issue, he also failed to be charming to boot!
Was it not the GOP led House that refused to entertain elevating the debt ceiling and instead made it a cause celebre that resulted in our Nation's credit rating being downgraded? Wasn't it John Boehner that told everyone (that would listen) that he will not permit a bill to be voted on that alters the federal tax code if such action enhances tax revenues, even if every penny raised helps to balance the Federal budget? Isn't he on record stating that there can be "no compromise on raising additional taxes" (despite the obvious need to do so)?
Included in Boehner's Op-Ed, is his claim that the Keystone XL Pipeline is something Obama must approve in order to create "thousands of jobs." Wasn't the Keystone XL pipeline previously "sold" by the GOP during the recent General Election Campaign as an "Energy Issue" (until Canada admitted none of the oil sands refined in the U.S. would be for our consumption)? Now it's all about "jobs?" Then what about the GOP opposition to High Speed Rail projects that would also have provided "thousands of jobs?"
Where was Speaker Boehner when Florida Tea Party Republican Governor Rick Scott refused to accept $2.4 Billion in Federal funds to build a high-speed rail line between Tampa and Orlando (even though local businesses had pledged to cover any of the financial shortfalls that might arise). The total number of jobs the project would have created in Florida alone would have been in the "thousands." Speaker Boehner, where was your courage to lobby for those jobs? I could go on, but you get my point!
As President John Adams once wrote, "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." By writing this article, Speaker Boehner might as well have been the subject instead of President Obama. Thomas Paine put it best..."Lead, Follow or Get Out Of The Way!" Instead of heeding Boehner's "Less Charm, More Courage" message, I believe leadership requires more courage and less hypocrisy!