"We're accused, by the way - in our party - of being the party
of the rich," Romney said. "And it's an awful moniker, because
that's just not true. We're the party of people who want to get
rich. And we're also the part of people who want to care to help
people from getting poor. We want to help the poor. "We also
want to make sure people don't have to become poor," Romney
said. "And we know what it takes to keep people from
becoming poor."
Don't get me wrong, the Democrats are raising a ton of money at fundraisers as well, and I have made myself clear that I oppose the buying and selling of our elections and our government. But a closer look at Romney's statement about the GOP would make any student of American History shudder. Originally, I wrote a summary of every platform and policy agenda the GOP has pursued since 1900, but realized I would come off as being biased and too "lecture like." The reality is that since the Gilded Age, the Progressive Era, the Roaring Twenties, The Great Depression, the WWII Era, The Truman years, Johnson's "Great Society," and now the creeping recovery from the "Great Recession" the GOP has always been the political party of the rich. Even now, the GOP and its faithful appear embarrassed their Republican president (Theodore Roosevelt) was even involved in progressive politics during the early 1900's. The "Republican Decade" of the 1920's proved to be a financial nightmare with government stripping all regulations from banking and industry (which collapsed under the weight of their unregulated greed). The GOP opposed the New Deal along with Social Security and continued their opposition to national health care proposed as far back as the Truman Administration. The GOP opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and... Oops, I said I would not lecture.
It just seems hard to believe that modern politicians seem to think that Americans cannot "fact check" what they say by simply clicking on Google or any other Internet search engine. Mitt Romney is not being honest when he says the GOP has not been the party of the rich. It is also more like selling snake oil when he proposes they believe in everybody getting rich. This sentiment may make the uneducated and weak minded jump for joy, but who do you really think most of these rich folks have used to get themselves their wealth? Historically, its been from the uneducated and weak minded. There is nothing wrong with being rich (I believe I am in many ways), but lying about actual history of the GOP caring for the poor and working middle class is hardly to be taken seriously.
The GOP has a long history of working against the interests of the working poor. Their contemporary attacks on public workers, including firefighters, police and teachers further evidence their disdain for the working Middle Class as well. Why the vitriol in this post? Because for decades I was a Republican, dedicated to principals that reward success with an eye towards leveling the playing field between the rich and those that work hard to get ahead in this World (like I did). I am no longer a Republican because the GOP has lost its way, and instead has become delusional with the prevailing belief they alone have all the answers to prosperity in both economic and moral sense, and that their mantra should again be "Less Government in Business and More Business in Government." As a student of American History, I know such a platform has never worked for our Nation and no matter how much the GOP attempts to repackage and resell it, it is irresponsible. Why? because government is a reflection of our community and is not designed to make a profit. Government is about handling crisis and matters that affect every citizen of the United States. Do I believe government should play a role in our lives? To an extent, yes, but I also believe in the philosophies of the Framers of our Constitution. Does government need reform? Yes. Do we need to return to a truly "Representative Democracy?" Absolutely! But come on Mr. Romney, when it comes to your most recent claims about the GOP, you are wrong. When it comes to being the party of the rich, the GOP is just that. Mr. Romney, it IS true.