So it came as a great surprise to learn late last Tuesday night that I have been awarded a 2013 Independent Publishers National Silver Book Award ("IPPY") in the category of "Politics, Economics, Law and Media!" According to the group, “One element driving the high rate of excellence is participation from university presses. This year, 29 medalists came from university presses and 9 came from museums. Their elevated level of writing, editing, design and production raises the bar and inspires us all.” An official national Press release is planned by the Independent Publishers Group for Tuesday, May 7 (which makes it a nice 63rd Anniversary gift for my parents!). Among the winners are books published by the following institutions: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Whitney Museum of Art, The University of Arizona Press, The University of Nevada Pres, The University Press of New England, The Kent State University Press, The University of Nebraska Press, Excelsior College Press, The Indiana University Press (GO HOOSIERS!), Stanford University Press, The Princeton University Press, The MIT Press, The University of North Carolina Press, The SUNY Press, The Wayne State University Press, The West Virginia University Press, The University of New Mexico Press, The University of Alberta Press, The University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press, and the Michigan State University Press. Sounds like great company right!?
I am extremely honored to have my first book receive such a prestigious award and to be included with such notable honorees. I will be attending the Awards Ceremony in New York City on May 29th! Hopefully this award will help to get the word out that as Americans, we already have the power to change our leadership in Washington and to ensure the future of the United States is based upon the interests of every citizen, instead of influential interest groups. All I keep saying over and over is "Baruch Hashem!" I have been truly blessed for everything I have been given, including my new, shiny 2013 National Independent Publishers Silver IPPY Book Award! A heartfelt thanks to Chris Angermann, my tried and true advocate, editor and friend along with my wife Shellie Fay, who both pushed me hard to make this happen!