After hearing this nonsense on the radio, I began to think this is not something as benign a claim as it may initially appear. I began to think how notions such as these have begun to drive Americans' psyche into believing that our government is susceptible to "overthrown" by a dictatorial President who first must take away all of our guns in order to ensure his complete takeover of our Country! Is there something more sinister in these disingenuous advertisements? Is there something or someone behind all of these claims with an agenda to instill fear and distrust in low information voters in order to manipulate them into distrusting our government and to prepare to "take our country back" from Obama and his "Liberal, European thinking Socialist friends?" Is anyone else getting tired of hearing the label "Liberal" tossed about as if it was a cancerous skin condition to be avoided at all costs?
Honestly, I shrugged off these notions some time ago, but the more I think about them, I wonder who is really behind this campaign to misinform the public? Could it be the Koch Brothers? Could it be the N.R.A.? Could it be the GOP? Could it be Fox News? Could it be anyone or anybody that could profit from misleading certain clueless Americans that have no idea Obama, under any circumstances is Constitutionally prohibited to run for re-election under the 22nd Amendment? Incredibly, many Americans still believe Obama is a Muslim and that this belief alone disqualifies him from being President (even though the being a Muslim would not render him ineligible to serve as President under Article VI of the Constitution). What is motivating folks to perpetuate this myth? What do they stand to gain? According to US News and World Report, the claim first came about in a mass e-mail sent out by Porter Stansberry, a convicted felon for securities fraud. But that does not stop low information folks from believing it and sending it to their closest friends or to the editor of their local newspapers.
This leads me to my resolution for New Years. I resolve to give my best efforts to educate the public on all things political, governmental and historical in en effort to minimize the negative impact of charlatans and schemers from either Party so that Americans will properly view and evaluate matters affecting our Nation and its government. Now if I can get Americans to join me in this New Year's resolution. Happy New Year to you all!