I'll tell you why. Because Democratic leaders in Congress are just as concerned about keeping their jobs as Republican leaders, and keeping their jobs appears to be way more important that actually doing their jobs. But where is the President? Wasn't he just re-elected? Why hasn't he taken the role as PRESIDENT to both inform the public why Congress is failing us and demand they return to session and get serious issues addressed and resolved?
According to Article II of the Constitution, "He (the President) may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper..." Now some might quibble about whether a recess is an adjournment, however, why haven't the Democrats in Congress challenged the scheduled recess? Why hasn't Obama taken to the bully pulpit and pointed fingers at every member of Congress to demand they stay in Washington and get a budget negotiated? Why hasn't he done the same with tax or immigration reform? Because by doing so he would actually be acting like a leader! He would be casting stones at his own caucus as well as the GOP Conference/Caucus by proclaiming loudly that they are engaged in self-serving delay and are refusing to engage in actual work that the American people expected when they voted them into office in the first place. Enough with arguing about ObamaCare and its repeal! Enough about arguing about restricting the rights of women to choose! Enough about Benghazi and the cynical efforts to trump up scandals for political gamesmanship. Congress should be dealing with Climate Change, Infrastructure, the economic disparity between the wealthy and working American families, tax and immigration reform. But no one seems to want to deal with these very real issues. But why?
Politics is playing a huge role in how Congress operates, and it appears Obama enjoys playing the same game with the same set of rules. Perhaps it is time for real leadership in Congress willing to deal with real issues by LEADING instead of going on recess so they can maximize their fundraising efforts while telling their constituents they are "doing everything they can do in Congress to make our lives better." Fairly difficult for most folks to accomplish this task with a straight face, but as politicians, they have that "poker face" well tuned. As far as I am concerned, Republicans and Democrats share the blame for their lame efforts in Congress to deal with the Peoples' business. That blame must be equally shared by President Obama, for he has done little to shift the reins of power from a dysfunctional Congress to the Oval Office. As President Washington once wrote, "It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one." No excuse indeed!