Yet, political correctness should not apply when the speaker of ideas is really a purveyor of ignorance and hate. And that seems to be exactly what Trump has been capitalizing on. Ted Cruz on the other hand, cynically plays the "I hate government" card in ways that makes those with little understanding of our government and politics believe that he is the oracle of truth. In fact, Cruz is the exact opposite of what he claims to be. Educated at Yale and Harvard, he is hardly the typical rebel from Texas as portrayed. In fact, one of the many promoters (See Trump) of the "Birther" movement against Obama's citizenship, Cruz himself is now fighting some on his own side of the aisle about his citizenship (considering he admits he was born in Canada and not the United States)! (See: Marco Rubio seems stuck addressing his own political skeletons and no matter how hard the GOP "Establishment" wishes he was the frontrunner, his poll numbers remain weak. Sorry folks, Rubio's persistent AWOL from the United States Senate makes HIM a "Moocher and Taker". How can I make this claim? Because he is MY United States Senator, and I expect him to be at his post and not off somewhere fundraising (for over two straight years). When Rubio loses (and he will), he will be well set financially based upon all of his political fundraising and networking. Can we as citizens of Florida then politely ask Rubio to please refund us his salary he never earned while missing most of the Senate's votes during his absent tenure? Not likely huh!? And Jeb? His campaign is only around because it seems to have some form of a pace maker keeping the beat going. Obviously, Jeb's "not in it to win it" and won't.
A lot was discussed on Fox this week about President Obama's Executive Actions as they relate to firearms. The biggest issue for Fox and Friends? Their belief that the emotions shown by Obama were merely staged theater and where were his emotions when it comes to terrorism? Really? (See:
But what really is going on with our current state of politics? More of the same. Biden now says he wishes he had entered the presidential race, Sanders is still un-electable and the GOP is making a concerted effort to tie Hillary to Bill's past sexual dalliances. Call it the "Cosby Effect?" Is that the best the GOP can do? "Killary" is their new name for Hillary, but that conveys a certain fifth grade feel to it, right?
And what about the Bundy child now illegally occupying a Federal Wildlife Refuge in Oregon with his "Militia" (even though there is no such militia in existence)? Why bother? These nut jobs will eventually give up and take their guns home with them. If not, they should be put down like the Whiskey Rebellion gangs and embarrassed by the media for actively engaging in sedition. Have any of the political candidates so much as made this statement? Nope! Some on the Far Right have even seemed to endorse this action by saying "I understand their frustration." One slight problem folks - Western States NEVER owned ANY of the lands they claim the Feds have taken from them. Did Oregon send citizens to fight the British in Canada in the War of 1812? Did citizens of Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, California or Nevada send citizens to fight Mexico in 1846? No! So why the perpetual demands that the Federal Government is acting unlawfully by keeping and maintaining land use restrictions on Federal Reserves? Ever read Article VI of the Constitution? Obviously do to so would be inconvenient for the cynical and hyper-partisan.
Which leads me to my final thought of the week! Now that the hang-overs of the New Year are gone, can we begin to bring this nation back together or do we have to wait until after the election of 2016? I fear waiting will only make matters that much worse in our great nation. Trump wants to "Make America Great Again!" If he honestly believes that, he would be the first to stop denigrating everyone that does not look, think and act like him. As President Theodore Roosevelt once wrote; "Rhetoric is a poor substitute for action, and we have trusted only to rhetoric. If we are really to be a great nation, we must not merely talk; we must act big."
The longer we wait for real action, the longer our nation will suffer from misdirection, manipulation and misinformation from our current slate of presidential hopefuls (Democrats and Republicans alike). Let's all stop trusting in rhetoric and the political parties that have mastered its use. Have a great week!