I'd like to provide multiple links to scientific and anthropological studies proving the point that having a gun inherently makes one more dangerous, but our government has continued to legislate against such studies. Ever wonder why? (See: www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/10/04/gun-violence-research-has-been-shut-down-for-20-years/?utm_term=.9a9baaa7a7a5).
Perhaps those supporting the unfettered sale of firearms have a stake in not knowing whether possessing a gun by someone with problems has a correlation to that person's deadly use of the weapon? And this gets to my point. As Anti-Gun marches unfolded throughout the country, social engineers opposing the restrictions jumped all over social media to "opine" on the subject. Now I admit, I get somewhat frustrated when some post their opinions as facts, but the outrageous ones seem to always catch my attention (and ire).
Some posted on Facebook that the surviving high school students leading the protests from Parkland, Florida were either "paid actors", "too old to really be students", and/or "douches all" etc. Perhaps the worst I have read are those from older adults. Far too many people sit at a keyboard and somehow transform into being "Supersized" wherein their otherwise uneducated, ill-informed positions seem to rank near the top of equality in gravitas and must be shared on social media! How about one I read that blamed the parents of shooters because they provided "poor parenting?" (Even though I know the writer of that opinion has no children of his own -and at his age, probably never will). Or how about the "discussion" that the "National Rifle Association ("NRA") can't be blamed for opposing legislation restricting guns because they are just a lobbying group having no more influence over our politicians than Planned Parenthood has!" Seriously. This was someone's response on the topic and several joined in with support. Anyone with an ounce of sense would know the NRA yields far more influence on our politicians at the State and Federal Level than Planned Parenthood could in reality ever imagine. It's as if some are living in a dystopian world wherein everyone is deaf and blind to reality and mute on the issues until someone "rings a bell" and then opposing opinions flow like saliva from Pavlov's dogs.
The best these people can give is when a tragedy occurs is the usual "Hallmark Moment" - Thoughts and Prayers! That obviously works, right!? Yet, when a bridge fails and collapses, remedies are sought to improve its design and construction so no future collapses happen. So why do some tragedies get immediate response for action while those involving a gun do not? Because guns are protected by the Constitution - but they are not protected from reasonable regulations. "A Well regulated Militia" must have meant something when the Amendment was written! If policy fails that leads to tragedies, don't we have an obligation to find reasonable solutions to prevent them from happening again, and again, and again?
Something Robert Kennedy once wrote seems to fit when folks opine nonsense on social media after tragedies like senseless mass shootings happen - "Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live". Have a great week!