Consider further that another conservative pundit by the name of Michael Gerson also writes a syndicated column through the Post. How "Liberal" and "Lame" can the Post be if conservatives write for them and are syndicated through their Writers Group? Perhaps the claims of the Right Wing pundits on Fox are wrong? Could it be possible? Think I am wrong? Take a look at Mr. Gerson's most recent article entitled "Obama's Immigration Test."
According to Gerson, "behind the fragile consensus (bi-partisan immigration proposals) is a remarkable, yearlong effort by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fl, to move the GOP...." Remarkable? Really? He goes on to write "Rubio has been willing to risk his tea party credibility in making the conservative case for reform." You're kidding right? And what does Mr. Gerson write about President Obama and his statements regarding the need for immigration reform? "To him (Obama) objectivity requires the recognition that reality has only one side, which the president fully occupies." Get my drift? Gerson is another conservative pundit who writes for The Washington Post. How many more conservatives do I have to list that write for the Post to prove the Rush Limbaughs and Sarah Palins occupying the Right Wing Media Machine are dead wrong in claiming the Media is "Liberal."
But the narratives continue. How many Liberals write for Bretibart? Newsmaxx? Work for Rush Limbaugh? Isn't it about time Americans begin to reject the notion that no one other than the Right Wing Media can be honest or "Fair and Balanced?" I know folks will question why I am taking this tact and not attacking any Liberal writers. Could it be that I don't bother to read syndicated articles penned by "Liberal" writers? I already know Krugman's arguments, so why bother reading his work? Same goes for any other known Liberal writer. But I do pay attention to Conservative writers because I often can't begin to figure out why ideology guides their opinions instead of common sense applied to known facts! I know it seems a bit strange, but I seek out Conservative writers to check their claims against my opinions. In the event I agree with them, then I will readily admit the fact. But more often than not, I wind up shaking my head in wonder over their attempts to influence and manipulate the public with their ideologically based narratives. Perhaps we should all agree that lately, all Media is Lame, but it certainly is not all Liberal.
As an aside, many thanks to the Venice Sertoma Club for honoring me with their January, 2013 Educator of the Month Award. It was a pleasure addressing them at their luncheon today!