Since the election, the collection of Conservative talking heads and pundits slamming Mitt Romney and President Obama has been impressive. Instead of looking at their own extreme views of America, they claim the Country has reached the "tipping point" of more people wanting "Free stuff" than wanting to create new things.
Bill O’Reilly said; "50 percent of the voting public are people who “want stuff. They want things. And who is going to give them things? President Obama. He knows it, and he ran on it.” "It’s not a traditional America anymore.” Most Americans receiving "free stuff" are Veterans and the elderly. Perhaps "traditional America" is better off for the change. Didn't folks regret the ending of slavery claiming it was the end of America "as we know it?" Didn't we hear that when women gained the right to vote too? What really is "traditional America" anyway? Should we ask Native Americans this question (oh don't be so absurd!)?
Karl Rove said; "Obama "succeeded by suppressing the vote." Huh? Legislation to suppress the vote was initiated and enacted by Governors, all REPUBLICANS. Karl Rove also predicted on his own website that Romney would win at least 285 Electoral Votes propelling him into the White House (and that Obama would only get 253 Electoral votes). Ahem sir, Obama scored 332 electoral votes to Romney's 206. Clearly Rove was way off in his predictions, but giving excuses for the Romney defeat that don't include his personal inadequacies is telling.
Ann Coulter said; " If Mitt Romney cannot win in this economy, then the tipping point has been reached. We have more takers than makers and it's over. There is no hope. It is interested in handouts."
Rush Limbaugh said; "I went to bed last night thinking, 'we're outnumbered,'" he said. "I went to bed last night thinking we'd lost the country. I don't know how else you look at this. The first wave of exit polls came in at five o'clock. I looked at it, and I said ... 'this is utter BS, and if it isn't, then we've lost the country." We "lost the country?"
When did the United States become the exclusive property of the Conservatives and folks like Rush Limbaugh. Talk about Entitlements! The ones feeling they are entitled to lead, control and possess an overwhelming majority of the Nation's wealth are the Conservatives and members of the GOP! Tax breaks for the rich at the expense of everyone else is not exactly appropriate for America. How can raising taxes on 2% of Americans possibly cause a political party to refuse to cut taxes for everyone else? This is exactly what GOP leaders in Congress are arguing for. Perhaps the Republicans oversold the idea over the past four years that we needed to take our country back. Perhaps Americans took that very step this past Tuesday? But will the Republicans figure that out, or will they continue to live on another planet not known as Earth?