With Fox News concentrating on honing the GOP message that Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi, they have successfully stirred up the wasp nest commonly known as the GOP Base into actually relating the events in Benghazi to Watergate! Really! Whatever security lapses that might have occurred in Libya and the desire of the Administration to keep the details "quiet" has somehow been equated to a President ordering folks to be paid from his campaign funds to covertly commit felonies, including breaking and entering and perhaps the highest offense, Obstruction of Justice. Many Conservatives are now actively calling for President Obama's Impeachment based upon the unsubstantiated and highly politicized claims aired on Fox News. Yet, despite this all, the GOP base is so incensed over Benghazi, they have blinded themselves into believing Impeachment is not only actually warranted, but that it will remove Obama from office. I guess the GOP ideologues have yet to figure out that the GOP led House can impeach the president, but the Democratically controlled Senate would refuse to allow any investigations to go forward. Regardless, when is the last time the Senate has ever convicted a President with a 2/3 conviction vote? That would be NEVER! So what we have here is a simple game of political high jinx, all designed to discredit Obama with folks that already despise him and to rile up the base to begin a "swiftboat" style torpedo campaign of Hillary Clinton's 2016 hopes for the White House. And the message boards are lit up like Times Square on New Year's Eve with screams against Obama, Clinton and all "Un-American and Immoral Liberals!" Is there any coincidence that several Letters to the Editor in both our local papers claimed that since the election of Barack Obama our country has drifted away from our morals? Has anyone ever seen so much nonsense written about the Founding Fathers and their (alleged) desire to establish a "Christian Nation?" For folks so big on securing their rights under the Second Amendment, I find it incredible they have never read the First Amendment and what is commonly known as the Establishment Clause! Ignorance is not bliss, not when it further divides our country and is being used by political parties and their ideologically oriented for-profit media to further achieve their political objectives.
We all have work to do! Folks are now more gullible than ever and if we collectively do not start to push for proper civic/political education, our democracy may be seriously threatened. And I accuse the media for aiding and abetting this crime against America. As one of the Founding Fathers and Framers once wrote, "There is danger from all men. The only maxim of free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty", President John Adams. Now if we can only get folks to realize the Media is not to be trusted!