According to the UN, the resolution demanded that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem” and said the establishment of settlements by Israel has “no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law”. ( Let's read this again... "Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem." When did Palestine become a nation? It hasn't. When did Palestine ever possess land in the Middle East? It never has (either in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria or any other Muslim nation in the World)! Then how could Israel illegally "occupy" Palestinian lands in the "West Bank?" All lands were obtained in a war against Jordan - who held the land based upon the division of territory from the break-up Trans-Jordan under the terms of the "British Mandate." When did Palestinians possess any part of Jerusalem? Never. In fact, even today, the Temple Mount that includes the Al Aqsa Mosque is ruled by Islamic Authorities from Jordan. And of the many Musliom countries that refuse to grant Palestinians citizenship and full rights as same? You guessed it - Jordan! The first to complain about President -Elect Trump's call to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Jordan, of course! So why the effort to rubber stamp approval for everything "Palestinian?" Because President Obama cannot seem to stomach anything that helps Israel. Is it because of his poor relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu or does he actually believe the hyper-liberal bent that anyone that suffers needs a protector, even when their suffering comes at their own hands? Someone has to be blamed - and blaming Jews has been a "blood sport" for centuries already. Thanks Obama. You could not do more to move Jewish American voters out of the Democratic party than any member of the GOP could ever do. Think I am being silly? Those Jews that remain as registered Democrats will be nothing more than secular self-loathing Jews who know nothing about Judaism except to have a Jewish sounding last name, using it as a basis to claim some sort of birthright as a platform to speak for other Jews against other Jews (See "J-Street").
Not long ago, The U.N. proclaimed Jerusalem was never Jewish and in fact, is to be only known for its Muslim roots. (See: Huh? Talk about insanity. Do Americans realize this move renders not only Judaism, but Christianity as secondary to Islam? Jesus was Jewish. He was born in Bethleham. He prayed in Jerusalem. Are Americans aware that to reach Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem you must travel via Israeli armored bus to be protected from Arab snipers? Is there any evidence, ANY that Islam was even in exisitence at the time of the Jewish Temples? Thanks U.N. - you've proven again how utterly worthless you have become as a tool for the cabal of greedy, hatefilled, manipulative nation-states seeking only the destruction of Western values. All under the guise of long as it is on their terms. Zionism is not racism. But singling out Israel for all of the world's ills certainly is Anti-Semitism. And to this, I do look towards Mr. Trump to correct (provided he can corral the ever-expanding White Supremacists, aka "Nationalist" and in reality Nazi supporters). As a coincidence, I will speaking on this issue Tuesday evening before a group called "Take Our Country Back" located in Englewood, Florida. I look forward to the opportunity.
Without much further rambling, I also find the issue of Russian interference in our elections through hacking and a campaign of fake news through disinformation and misinformation to be nothing short of cyberwarfare. This should trouble all Americans. What makes me more sick to my stomach? President-Elect Trump's seeming inability to separate his personal ego from his new responsibilities as our next President. As I have written for years (including slamming Netanyahu's attempts to influence the 2012 elections), no leader of any foreign government (friend or foe) can be allowed to interfere with our democratic processes. To so do is an act of war! Trump's seeming response? "As long as it didn't hurt me, what's the big deal?" In fact, Mr. Trump has gone so far as to call anyone questioning Russia's efforts to interfere as "Stupid" or "Fools." (See: Could someone please make a long-distance call to President Reagan and ask him to come back from the dead to rip Mr. Trump a new one? I mean, come on. Gee, someone robbed a bank, but all of the money was recovered, so no harm! Huh?
As I have already written, Trump will be my president. He won. It's over. I have no desire to question his legitimacy as duly elected. But ignoring or seemingly rewarding Russian interferance because it makes Trump feel somehow "hurt" is NOT presidential. As the Far -Right likes to say, "Get over it Snowflake!" As I have also written many times, you may dislike the man holding the office of the presidency, but you must respect the institution of the presidency - and Mr. Trump still does not seem to understand this concept. Every time he denigrates citizens and leaders of the US, he insults the institution requiring diligence under the "Take Care Provision" of Article II of the Constitution. And just because he won the office, does not make him exempt from oversight and rebuke by even his supporters. Checks and Balances folks. Separation of Powers. Anyone willing to ignore these Constitutional requisites, is nothing more than a bumbling hypocrite. I wish Mr. Trump great success. I also wish he would walk away from the self-proclaimed notions he's "smarter than everyone else" - because I believe that is the same flawed character trait possessed by Obama. Drain the Swamp? Be very careful you don't fall into a cesspool already being formed around the Trump team. Step up Mr. President-Elect. Shake it up Mr. Trump. Trump has a great opportunity to lead this nation, a nation thirsty for such leadership. But appreciate the Institution of the Presidency. Otherwise, you too will have squandered the chance many of us are willing to give you.
As President Harry S. Truman once wrote; "When even one American - who has done nothing wrong - is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth - then all Americans are in peril." Those (including Trump and his team) questioning anyone that disagree with their views by labeling them as "stupid" or "fools" should give us all great pause. What happened to the bedrock of our democracy provided in the Constitution for free speech, thought, expression, press, oversight, checks and balances and separation of powers? Now we need Congress to grow a pair and do their jobs (the real "swamp" where the political reptiles of both parties reside). Just food for thought. It's always nice to be back! Have a great week!