But is our real problem in America the economy? Step back and think about it for a while. Is the economy and the deficit the real number one problem we face in America today? I think not. Okay Rubin, now you are going against the grain of every politico, every mainstream economist and syndicated columnist. So what gives with this crazy notion that the Economy and the Deficit is not THE problem we face. It can't possibly be anything else!
But I believe they are nothing but sub parts to a larger problem we face across this Nation. Enter the "Fiscal Cliff" narratives from both political parties. Just as folks began to feel confident we were "moving forward" the dysfunctional Congress proves again that nothing can get accomplished in Washington without a contrived crisis! First it was 9/11. It then became the War on Terror. It then became Weapons of Mass Destruction. It then became Bin Laden. Then the Housing Crisis, which rapidly became the Crisis on Wall Street, which then in turn became the Bail Out Crisis, which became the "Great Recession" and then The Health Care Crisis, okay, you get my point. But why do I think the Economy and the Deficit are not the top problems we face in America today? Just read what else is reported in today's newspaper article.
"Spurred on by fears of sharp tax increases and government spending cuts known as the "fiscal cliff," consumer confidence nationwide sunk in December to its lowest level in four months." Wow, four months? Has the collective attention span of Americans really been narrowed to SIXTEEN WEEKS? That's it? Not four years? Not a decade? The real problem with America is our collective inability to pay attention to anything for more than four months! How can we expect a vision of America to come from the Electorate when we collectively cannot pay attention to anything other than "Shiny Objects" or faux crises created to propel narratives designed to gain our attention? How is it that virtually every crisis that crops up comes with a narrative typically designed to divide us instead of unite us?
No folks, I am not buying the argument that the Economy and the Deficit are the top problems we face as Americans. Instead, I believe the real problem is our inability to engage in any topic longer than four short months that requires a crisis to attract our attention in the first place. The lack of our collective attention span allows those in Washington to create and promote political narratives we are flooded with by the ideologically oriented for-profit media. Sound radical to you? Think about it. Without a "Shiny Object" or crisis to draw our attention, we can't seem to be bothered with keeping an alert eye on our government. Worse yet, it proves why most Americans don't know or care to know how political parties, interest groups and the media often work...and not always in our collective best interests. It is time for America to wake up from its collective slumber and realize the "Shiny object" of liberty require our perpetual undivided attention and diligence! If not, we will surely be heading into one contrived crisis after another with no end in sight!