Just more evidence that Paul Ryan and his followers are out of touch with American households. How can I say this? Because most Americans carry some form of debt and must make installment payments. Only the rich have NO debt. Think about it. If someone needs an automobile for transportation, they shoulder a considerable burden in the form of car payments. Rarely can average Americans afford to purchase a car for cash with little to no financing. Most Americans that own a home, truly own their home in name only - they owe a mortgage that requires a monthly payment (some making payments even while maintaining negative equity in their homes). Now, most middle class Americans and/or their children are indebted to the government for student loans, so that their children can attain a college or post-graduate education (paying exorbitant interest payments to the government for the privilege of having their children gain an education).
So when Ryan and his "followers" demand the government "balance their budget" like American households, you know he is selling "a bridge to nowhere." IF Americans balance their household budgets, it more likely is done by including DEBT payments. As long as Americans can accomplish the balancing act by covering debt payments with their income, they can afford the necessities of their lives. To argue the government should balance its budget like households without admitting Americans balance their budgets with debt payments is disingenuous. Paul Ryan might be able to balance his budget with no debt (he had Social Security pay for his college costs), but most American households can not. So get real Paul Ryan and stop the nonsense. The government must reduce spending in certain areas, but they must also raise revenues in order to lower our overall debt. But to suggest the government must operate like a household in balancing budgets ignores the reality that American Households maintain debt of their own (student loan debt now exceeds a collective $1 Trillion)!
As President Franklin Roosevelt once wrote; "I am neither bitter nor cynical, but I wish there was less immaturity in political thinking." Paul Ryan, immature politico, out of touch and out of real solutions. As an aside, it was a lot of fun speaking before the history students at the Hostos Lincoln Academy of Science in the South Bronx, New York. No matter their hardships, students want to learn! Have a great week!