After years of disparaging government, the Right Wing Media has convinced its audience that America's governmental institutions are not to be trusted along with the media reporting on it. Although there is merit to an argument that our government does its work for the "highest bidders", citizens need to remember that we alone have the power to disrupt this "business as usual" model (VOTE). More importantly, to Trumplings (Trump sycophants), the alternative of having a president preside by chaos and lies seems to be acceptable. But it is not. Especially when there is concern our Commander-In-Chief's ego drives his decisions to lie and deceive, versus engaging in serious review and thought. Although we have had some weak presidents in our history, those few weakened the institution of the presidency because they deferred to the leadership of their party in Congress. Trump and his followers on the other hand, seem to think that being president is like being a ruler and anyone that opposes his rulings must be publicly shamed with name calling and disparaging rhetoric. In other words, for one who sought to loosen defamation laws against his enemies, Mr. Trump seems to forget his words and actions would also be the basis for claims of defamation. But here's the rub - Trump only believes he should be protected from his political opponents, not the other way around. (See:
And this is the best litmus test for the character of our president. When he uses Twitter and Social Media to deny, bully, undermine and attack he demands total fealty. In other words, the system must allow him free reign to engage his strategy without regard to anyone else's rights. Seems quite a lot like another figure in American history that felt anything he believed superseded the rights of others. Anyone recall GOP Senator Joe McCarthy? (See: Richard Nixon? We know how that turned out, right?
One very large question remains though. Will Trump call for the firing of Special Counsel Robert Mueller based upon his unfolding strategy? Why be open and honest when lying and deceiving has worked so well for Trump over the course of his life? Turning 72 years of age this June, it's highly unlikely Trump is something other than what he publicly portrays - a small man with a huge ego and a complete disdain for thinking "Elites." His preferred method is to lie, deceive, manipulate, bully and then use the courts to intimidate - none of which are hallmarks of a decent American president.
As President John F. Kennedy once wrote; "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." This November, let's all remind Mr. Trump that we are not afraid of him or his supporters. Truth, Honesty and the American Way shall lead us forward - and that's a strategy all Americans can embrace! Have a great week!