Yet, short of nuking them ourselves, what choice does the World have to contain Iran and keep it from obtaining nuclear weapons? I mean, Iran could not establish a nuclear enrichment program without some foreign assistance, right? Where is the criticism of the nations that have assisted Iran's efforts to enrich uranium? We do recall the World demanding North Korea be kept from obtaining nuclear capacities right? We know how that turned out!
I have been told by those in the medical research field that the World's supply of enriched medical isotopes is lagging behind demand. So, could it be possible for Iran to play a role in enriching lower level isotopes for medical usage? Is it possible that Iran's national "pride" of becoming "nuclear capable" be sated by allowing it to enrich much needed isotopes instead (that could benefit the World, instead of destroy it with higher levels of weapons grade enrichment)?
So, although I am not consulted (for obvious reasons), I think a better deal could have been negotiated with Iran to ensure they comply with any agreement that keeps them from ever enriching weapons grade uranium (and keep them out of the weapons delivery industry). My solution? Require Iran to allow Israel to maintain inspectors within Iran to oversee all enrichment programs and if any effort is made to keep any enrichment or delivery system programs secret from the Israeli's, then all deals are off the table. Ironically, that would satisfy both Israel and Saudi Arabia (did one ever think they would be allied on any issue facing the World?)! If Iran is serious about their intentions, they will have to maintain a transparency so clear even the Israelis can see through it. If not, then batten down the hatches and squeeze the economic life out of a regime that promotes propaganda featuring atomic clouds rising from the ashes of the State of Israel (as they promoted just this week on Iranian television). Rhetoric is one thing, but it sure can lead to distrust. When playing with fire, expect to eventually get burned.
We live in dangerous times - yet, haven't we always? But will it become even more dangerous if Iran successfully avoids the sanctions it earned from its own actions? The problem with Iran is obvious - they are never to be trusted. Anyone that believes and/or supports Iranian rights to nuclear ambitions, is oblivious to the active role Iran has played on the World stage as an exporter of terror and hate. Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, terrorist actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the World - all proudly sponsored by the State of Iran. Allowing a killer to maintain his "respect" in the form of weapons of any kind should be considered suicidal. As former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert once said, "When the President of Iran talks about removing Israel from the face of the Earth and is building nuclear bombs with a range of 3000km, you have to be worried." When Israel is satisfied with a deal on Iran, than I will trust that deal. Until then - we are playing with fire! Happy Chanukah and Thanksgiving to all!