After everything we just went through, one would think there is no way that could happen, yet listen to the words of those who not only tried to kill America, but actually voted to do so! Texas Senator Raphael "Ted" Cruz came out after the vote to save America and said; "What I intend to do is continue to stand with the American people working to stop Obamacare. Washington focuses on the politics all day long. That's what this town does, but what we saw in the deal last night, is that the U.S. Senate is not concerned about all of the people out of a job, all the people in part-time work, all the people whose health insurance premiums are skyrocketing, all the people who are losing their health insurance, and that's happening because of Obamacare." (Note to folks reading this. There is NO evidence any of this is happening. Obamacare is still in the subscription phase and no one has lost their jobs).
What? Cruz, filling his pockets with campaign cash set off on a self-fulfilling fantasy of forcing the President and the Democratically controlled Congress to cave in and allow the Affordable Health Care Act to be dismantled through any means possible - including closing the government and committing economic suicide. Does Cruz intend to "stand-down" in the run-up to February's next round of debt ceiling debates or does he intend to pursue his "my way or the highway" approach? Florida Senator and Cruz compadre Marco Rubio seems to believe Americans will "Revolt" against Obamacare come the 2014 and 2016 elections. Marco Rubio also voted for economic suicide, all in a transparent effort to latch onto the Cruz Crazy Train that enjoys rock-star status in the Ideologically Oriented For-Profit Media. Instead of recognizing their strategy was a complete failure, costing American Billions in the process, they continue to blame others for not "joining their cause." More importantly, Cruz continues to imply he will continue to same failed strategy come February's debt ceiling debate.
For some, instead of focusing on the reality of today's schism among Republican leaders, they instead continue to focus on the straw man argument that all of the problems in Washington are due to Obama's "self-regard, the scale of which has a certain grandeur, reinforces progressivism's celebration of untrammeled executive power and its consequent disparagement of legislative bargaining" (George Will, Washington Post 10/20/2013). To be fair to Will, he does write about the need for the Tea Party wing of the GOP to start operating as legislators and not suicidal maniacs, but enough with the moral equivalency of pitting these self-serving political fringe dwellers with the President. Obama is the President of the United States, duly elected (twice). Cruz represents the State of Texas and outside of his state, folks disagree with his scorched-earth strategy. Many within the Republican Party are now actively voicing their disdain for Cruz, all the while the President's ratings and the ACA's continue to rise. And add my disdain for Mr. Rubio (Florida can do better)!
Perhaps President Andrew Jackson put it best when he said; "Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error." Wouldn't it be interesting to see Mr. Cruz and his followers confronted by Andrew Jackson? Now that would be political theater! Have a great week!