Just today, Will again claimed that Liberals have engaged in "coercion" to conform "to liberal politics." Huh? He goes on to write, "Such coercion is a natural augmentation of censorship." What is he talking about? He claims that efforts on campuses to enforce "political correctness" is a coercive form of Liberalism that is "celebrating diversity in everything but thought." Hmm...his evidence? Will cites a handful of incidents on campuses ranging as far back as 2007. All of a sudden, America is threatened by political correctness from almost 6 years ago? Censorship is the goal of Liberalism? Amazing isn't it that Conservatives reject simple notions that reflect scientific proofs like human reproduction, physics, geology, climatology and evolution. What does George Will say about the censorship of science in some segments of American society? Conservatives believe that women have natural defense system to ward off pregnancy from an unwanted rape (as if a woman would want to be raped)? I know, I could go on and on, but you get my point. Selective perception and manipulation is at work here by Conservative columnists and pundits. Unfortunately, almost half of Americans believe whatever Will and his ilk write as the perfect truth. As an aside, George Will supported Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) for president. Need anyone say more about Will's credibility?
But Will is not alone. Charles ("Mr. Happy")Krauthammer plays the same type of game in cynically misleading his loyal followers either in print or on Fox News. Before I even read his recent column , Conservative friends had already posted it on their Facebook page, commenting how the Democrats have created our "tragic economy" and "deserve to suffer the consequences of falling off the fiscal cliff." Needless to say, I sought out the article to find out what Chuckie boy was pissing and moaning about. Seems Mr. Happy believes that Republicans should "Give Obama the full Clinton (does that include impeachment?). Let him live with that. And what also lies on the other side of the cliff: 28 million Americans newly subject to the ruinous alternative minimum tax. Republicans must stop acting like supplicants." "Then go over the cliff and have them all." "But if you want a Grand Bargain, then deal. If we give way on taxes, we want, in return, serious discretionary cuts, clearly spelled-out entitlement cuts and real tax reform. Otherwise, strap on your parachute, Mr. President. We'll ride down together." Now does anyone else find these comments simply amazing? Krauthammer is actually telling Republicans that unless Obama specifically lists tax reforms and cuts to entitlements that appease their political principles, they will not agree to raise taxes on the top 2% of Americans. That is really what this is all about, right? Despite the fact that Obama and Romney actually ran on their economic plans and Obama won, and despite the fact that over 60% of Americans agreed tax rates on the top 2% must rise (think how many Republicans agreed to this considering Obama obtained 51% of the popular vote), the Republicans remain in a position to hold Americans and our economy hostage unless Obama offers them the Romney-Ryan Economic Plan! Ironically, I believe the "parachute" Krauthammer refers to will only be worn by Obama if we go over the "cliff" and Republicans will be the ones to crash and burn if they force US over!
But it goes deeper than this. I had an interesting conversation with a Romney supporter. It went like this. Friend; "Obama is a bum and Reid is a piece of #$%@!" When I asked why, he said; "Because Obama is the president and instead of being our lone leader, he goes off to Pennsylvania to speak at some factory instead of staying in Washington to force both sides to resolve the fiscal crisis!" Then why is "Reid a piece of #%@!?" He says "because he thinks he can jam his agenda down Republican's throats." When I commented that the "Cliff" was the product of a breakdown between both parties in Congress, my friend fired back that he was not "Ideological" and did not think the problems are caused by anyone but Obama for he has "Failed to lead." Not surprisingly, he went on to claim all of the problems reside with Democrats and not the Republicans. Take a wild guess where he gets his political information!
When I pointed out that Obama has been stymied for two solid years by Republican obstructionism, he claimed that a real leader "LEADS WITHOUT REGARD TO OPPOSITION!" He was quite forceful with this comment. When I reminded him that IF Obama would take the leadership position my friend demands, his political opposition will take great pleasure in labeling him a "Dictator" and someone no longer interested in being President but "King" instead! Just then, another friend piped in to claim he saw where Obama will run for a third term and by Executive Order render himself President for life! Have you heard these claims on the radio and the Emails circulating amongst the Obama haters on the Internet? Incredible! What BOTH folks needed to be reminded of is the fact that a first term President must act in a certain political fashion in order to gain re-election and most, if afforded the opportunity, can then assert themselves as a LEADER without regard to political fallout in their second term (but Obama was never secure with the notion of being granted a second term...see what happened to George H.W. Bush when he tried to lead in his first term). Again, folks forget the role that Politics play on modern presidencies. When I point this out, another person said "Obama should have thought of country first and LED without regard to re-election!" Can anyone say "naive?"
Which brings me to the point of this blog. IF folks really believe Obama should LEAD without regard to the political realities and instead govern in accordance with what it best for America, then where is their demand on the Republicans to do the very same? Where is the scorn deserved by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) who is now himself more guided by a desire to be re-elected from his home State of Kentucky (who elected Rand Paul!) instead of negotiating in good faith for a sound solution to our immediate economic needs? Why doesn't he lead and put politics aside? Where is the scorn for Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) who is quoted of saying just yesterday on Fox , "Let's not kid ourselves...we're almost nowhere. " Why are we nowhere on the negotiations? Is it because Obama seeks to raise taxes on the top 2% of Americans and Republicans are instead willing to allow the entire economy and the negative impact it might have on 98% of us to protect their political supporters? Think I am making this up? Obama HAS proposed reducing the federal deficit by over $4Trillion over 10 years, raising revenue to the tune of $1.6Trillion from higher taxes on the top 2%, cutting entitlement programs by $400 Billion AND investing $50 Billion in infrastructure projects designed to increase employment. Knowing these items are all negotiable, what does House Majority Leader Boehner and Lieutenant Eric Cantor (R-SC) say to this proposal? "We don't want to increase tax rates. We're not going to increase tax rates." "This is not a game. We're not interested in playing rope-a-dope. We're interested in trying to solve the problems of the American people so that we don't see taxes go up on anybody, so that we can engage in tax reform, get this economy going again. We're not playing a game. We're being serious. That offer yesterday was simply not serious." Really? REPUBLICANS LOST THE ELECTION and a strong majority of Americans AGREED to raise taxes on the top 2%, so why are you objecting to ANYTHING Obama has proposed by categorizing it as a "Joke" or "An Insult" (which is exactly how Republican House Aides put it!)?
Bottom line folks, Conservative pundits have not figured out that most Americans are no longer interested in their creative narratives and opinions stretched from Conservative fantasies, but that most Americans have figured out that Republicans would prefer to adhere to their political party's ideology instead of what is best for our country or for what our democratically elected President chooses. Liberal Censorship? Democratic Leadership? Geesh, the Republicans should look in the mirror and find their views are distorted and are out of touch with a majority of America. Instead of just claiming Obama is a bum because he does not lead, perhaps Americans should tell Republicans to LEAD too!