I think I can leave these mind games because the only "refugee" I can identify is that of honesty and truth. As long as politicians "are at play" we can guarantee nonsense will continue (from both sides of the political aisle). So where do you go then Rubin? If you are tired of pointing out hypocrisy, what's left to write about? How about the time-tested truth that Congress and its supporters are once again fleecing America by shirking their duties? Huh? I thought only presidential candidates forgot to perform their duties as members of the U.S. Senate (see: http://www.senate.gov/index.htm)! Oh, not so fast there partners! Have you noticed that the GOP-led House of Representatives has published its 2016 calendar? You haven't? Are you aware that the House of Representatives will be working less than 111 days next year and will be receiving thirty (30) weeks of paid vacation? Yes, THIRTY WEEKS! And the Senate Calendar is not much better (see: http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/legislative/one_item_and_teasers/2016_schedule.htm).
According to the House Calendar recently published by GOP House Majority Leader Keven McCarthy, the House is scheduled to work on average a tad under two (2) days per week! That's it! From a party that enjoys routinely slamming Obama for all of his "golfing vacations", this really takes the cake! Think I am making this up? See http://www.majorityleader.gov/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/2016_ANNUAL_CALENDAR.pdf).
Where are all of the complainers about Obama now? When a solid Republican supporter was asked about the new House Calendar, his response? Speedy legislative action is a reflection of "Tyranny!" Seriously? Electing representatives to represent the public can only be done when they work collectively in Washington and limiting their schedule to do so to two (2) days per week is outrageous! And do they really need THIRTY WEEKS of vacation in order to meet their responsibilities to their constituents? Obviously, this makes me cringe when the very same folks demand Obama be impeached (without realizing he can't be if the Congress is NOT working in 2016)! Do you want to bet that if a Democratic House pushed a similar calendar the Right would be screaming to high heaven. But it is the Republicans (and some Democrats) that want to take all that time off. Seems the "perpetual re-election campaign" now is in high gear. Politicians have adopted the mantra, "Always be running for office, all the time." How many Americans can work so little and still be paid a minimum of $174,000 annually plus benefits (with pension)? Am I the only one to see the disconnect here? More importantly, where are the critics in the Media to expose this (unfortunate) truth to the American public? Complicit? Ignorant? Distracted by presidential campaigns, refugees, Daesh? (See: http://khon2.com/2015/11/20/isis-isil-and-daesh-whats-the-difference-and-why-it-matters/). But how are we to deal with the multitude of issues if our Congress is hardly working in Washington?
Now I could go on and on with what Congress has actually been doing this past week, but beyond the House stripping the authority of the Consumer Protection Bureau from regulating auto financing firms that discriminate against Non-Whites (See HR1737) or preventing active-duty military and veterans from filing lawsuits against abusive predatory lenders (HR1210) why should I? Sound crazy right? Once again, where is the Media to report these actions? They are amplifying dog whistle talking points and narratives about terrorism instead (which is exactly what Daesh wants). America is preoccupied with the sensational, while overlooking the serious issues we all face. Unite to deal with Daesh - how hard can that be? Unite to deal with all of our enemies - how hard can that be? Unite to deal with domestic issues that demand attention - how hard can that be? As it turns out, hard as hell, but not so difficult that we can afford to ignore them! And working less and less in Washington is hardly what the Framers had in mind when it developed our system of government. Representative government is supposed to reflect the will of the people - of all ideologies, not just those that support their platforms and talking points.
As President James Madison once wrote; "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." By allowing the Media and its pundits to control information necessary to inform Americans, we are gradually and consistently allowing the politically powerful to abridge our freedoms and our liberty! When will Americans wake up and realize that our elected Representatives no longer represent US and instead prefer to focus in on their own self-interests? When will we all start to demand the "gradual and silent encroachments" by the powerful is not in our collective best interests? It's high time to take a stand against the divisive rhetoric of both the Right and the Left! Otherwise, Daesh and others hell-bent on destroying our liberty will see a way to win while our politicians will be too busy figuring out a way to profit from it. Have a great week!