Having been accused of being a "Leftist" by those on the Right, I found it interesting to note that many Americans are considered to the "Left" because the Center is no longer the Center, it has in fact been moved severely to the Far Right by the influence on the GOP by the TEA Party movement. How far Right has this movement pushed the GOP? Far enough to have its anointed presidential candidate Mitt Romney embrace their platform positions ranging from no new taxes (except on the Working Middle Class) to an absolute prohibition against abortion, regardless of circumstances. Moreover, as I mention in my book, the constant divisiveness created and perpetuated by ideologically based media is compounding the degradation of our sense of collective "Americanism" under the guise of "Patriotism." What used to be considered a derogatory label, I have students proudly admitting to being "RINO's"...Republicans In Name Only, not because they are "Leftists" but because they have found themselves clinging to the American ideal of fair play and the principles that compromise is necessary to achieve common goals for our great Nation. Ironically, it is the Right that slams Obama for dividing the country and causing every problem known or imagined, yet an overwhelming majority of Online messages or letters to the editor from those on the Far Right are filled with vitriolic hatred and sarcasm for Americans they do not agree with. What saddens me the most is not that the media is capitalizing on these beliefs for market share (that's what their business is about), but American leaders on both sides of the aisle cynically capitalizing on what has the potential to have a permanent corrosive effect on our democratic republic.
When a Texas Judge claims on television that we should prepare for civil war if Obama is reelected and not a single GOP official denounces him, what will be next? Has the line of being an alleged "true patriot" been actually moved further and further to the Right? If folks on the Right allow comments about civil war to continue, will they eventually condone assassination of leaders under the misguided guise of patriotism? When will the real patriots stand up and put a stop to this dangerous rhetoric? What will take to stop it and put us back on the track of compromise and working together to solve our mutual problems? If Americans deemed moderates are part of the Silent Majority, isn't it time for the Silent Majority to be silent no more?