Today's America doesn't look so dissimilar does it? Our president, instead of uniting the nation and rallying us to our common spirit and patriotism, chooses instead to divide us, as he has done since taking office. Pitting "Blue" against "Red", the president uses his "bully pulpit" to exert propaganda to convince his base that those opposed to him and his policies, are in fact opposed to "America" itself. Donald Trump sees himself as "America." A notion every Founding Father, Mother and Framer feared greatly. Unfortunately, many Republicans have been convinced that it is better to have a dictator than a Democrat in the Oval Office, and that truly unpatriotic idea was initiated and continues to be supported by Fox News, an entertainment network posing as a real news outlet, dedicated to providing full throated support of the State , ie., Donald Trump.
After Hoover was defeated by FDR, America was exposed to something not seen since the days of Lincoln. A president dedicated to healing our nation by uniting us together for our own "greater good." A president that actively warned us that many would seek to divide us so they could weaken America. A president that admitted that our collective problems were vast, and that fear alone should not drive efforts towards recovery, but unity and a devoted focus on helping not only businesses recover and survive, but that the people themselves found a path to recovery. Nationalism was not used to separate us from each other, but to unify and collectively work towards accepting the need for new ideas and strategies. FDR famously said that he did not have all of the answers, but that should one effort fail, others would be tried. He never made his presidency about himself, but about recovery for our great nation - not for some, but for all.
Today we have a president that insists that only he can provide the remedies needed to fix America. Only he has the solutions to the myriad of problems we now all face in this pandemic. Only he has the authority to move on critical measures needed. Yet, this president readily admits that he sees no "responsibility" for anything he does. Again, America has somehow been redefined to be Donald Trump - and the GOP. Democrats need not consider themselves patriots. Only MAGA could possibly be real Americans who believe in everything as long as it only applies to themselves and not to others. Hypocrisy and the failure to appreciate science and modern advancement is what now symbolizes the modern day GOP.
Let us all remember that America has experienced its fair share of trials and tribulations. Throughout each, we have recovered stronger and wiser than ever before. Until Trump and his MAGA sycophants are defeated, America will remain stunted in its ability to recover from this pandemic. This November, America will have a chance to "right the ship" run aground by Trump and his myopic administration. We can only hope that we wake up in time to save her. FDR once said he was worried that if his efforts to save America failed, it would make him the last president we would ever have. We can only hope that Trump's defeat in November means America as we once knew her will return to being the leader of the free world, in every way possible. Have a great week, and stay safe!