Instead of attacking them for their ignorance, I simply replied that all Americans would be better served if they sat down and read The Federalist Papers and a bit more history relating to the Constitutional Convention. I slammed no one. I simply made a suggestion to read and learn. What got my attention was the immediate reply from a number of folks..."Thumbs Down", in fact, so many thumbs down were posted that my comment was hidden due to "negative comments."
I replied again simply saying folks should read the words of Hamilton and Madison as they relate to Federalism. Again, an avalanche of negative "thumbs down." Are these folks for real? Are they even Americans? Since when are the names Hamilton and Madison enough to make people have negative feelings? What's up America? I heard a report that said over 33% of the folks that post comments on message boards are clinically depressed. I think I may be joining those ranks if I continue to read comments based upon ignorance and hate. When I mentioned to my wife how many of things being discussed by both sides of the ideologically oriented media really do not affect us directly, she responded that despite that fact, things matter to us as a Nation. I was proud of her sentiment because she is right! It just makes me sad that so many Americans are only interested in matters that affect themselves. When did we start becoming a Nation interested in only ourselves and not each other. When did we lose that spirit of US?