Now there is more evidence that the NRA and gun advocates through membership communications and social media have created a new run on sales of AR's and high capacity magazines. According to local news articles, many Americans are seeking to buy these weapons and ammo because "it's all about the ban" (Herald Tribune 12/27/2012). What ban? According to an article, customers of one local gun shop have been found before opening time pounding on their doors "seeking military-style tactical weapons, high-capacity magazines and ammunition." All because of the ban! You know, the BAN! Uhm, what ban? You know, the one Obama has a secret agenda for. He does? According to the NRA he does! So sales of assault rifles and related high magazines and ammo have soared in the c0untry. So much so, that the Free Market has again created a shortage nationwide.
But what gun advocates fail to ever imagine is what will happen with a lot of these military style tactical weapons? Will purchasers actually have proper training in how to use them? When and where will these folks ever expect to use these weapons? More importantly, will they have proper training in how to store them? One of the issues the NRA is very good at avoiding is the fact that a high percentage of criminals obtain their weapons illegally by stealing them from innocent, law abiding gun owners. The crazed killer of 26 people in the Connecticut elementary school obtained his weapons from his mom. In fact, he murdered her with her own gun!
So before folks go off and claim there is a secret agenda by Obama to ban their guns, they should step back and think about the secret agenda being sold to them by the NRA. Although millions of Americans belong to the NRA, the group does not really represent their interests and instead represents the best interests of the gun and ammunition manufacturers. Keeping its customer base is an objective of the NRA so that manufacturers continue to have a market base. Think about it. Without millions of Americans buying multiple weapons, how would manufacturers stay in business? Until the American public realizes they are being played by the NRA as nothing more than market share for gun manufacturers, the hysteria over gun possession will continue. Perhaps it is time for Americans to stop inhaling the gun smoke?