Reviewing the news coverage of the recent horrific attacks in Paris can be very illuminating about how many maintain hypocrisy. What do you mean Rubin, look at how many changed their profile pictures to reflect solidarity with France with the French colors superimposed over them. Yet, where in the coverage can you find any, ANY description or label of the cabal of evil in Paris as "alleged" murderers? But Rubin, they did it! What is to be "alleged?" Wake up people and start paying attention to how the Media manipulates. Nothing "alleged" you say? Then why does every description of murderous attacks in Israel come with the Media tag line "alleged" terrorists killed? Can anyone tell me the difference between the murderers of Paris from the murderers in Israel? I can't...except that the world continues to ignore that Israel has been fighting terrorism since 1948 with thousands of its innocent citizens slaughtered while trying to enjoy evenings at cafes, birthday parties, riding a bus or train, or even driving with their families along public roads. Worse yet, the world demands Israel always show "restraint" when dealing with these murderers. And where is the death toll meter to show how many "alleged terrorists" were killed by the French military? The Media (without fail) always includes the dead terrorists killed by Israeli's defending themselves. Where is the moral equivalence portrayed when Israel is attacked (now daily)? Some even believe the Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas when he claims Israel engages in "extra-judicial murder" for killing terrorists on the spot - and the UN and the EU agree with this sentiment. So where is the outrage for the French military summarily killing the "alleged" gangsters that ensured there would be over a 120 dead in Paris? Didn't these "alleged" terrorists deserve their day in court instead of instant death?
And how do we deal with these deadly problems? Stop buying gasoline? Impose some sort of non-importation agreement (even though any student of American history can tell you they never work). Many claim Israel is the problem and that terrorism would end when Israel is put to an end - code for when the Jews are gone from the face of the earth. Even some (fake) Jews blame Israel for the problems of the World - except these are individuals that conveniently claim to be Jewish to obtain some sort of credibility with Non-Jews. The problem with them is they have no connection to Judaism and never have. They are so secular they believe in nothing other than the sound of their own voices singing peace and love - as long as it is towards Israel's enemies and hate towards Israel. They never seem short on hatred towards Israel (See - recent protests at Hunter should scare the hell out of Americans. Is this the future we support)? (See also And thus drives the Media - those that pretend to know how to deal with terrorism as if it is something that can peacefully negotiated. In reality, one can negotiate all they want, except when the "other side's" sole objective is to negotiate for nothing less than total annihilation of Israel and Western Civilization. Do we continue to negotiate with them? Do we arm their internal enemies (that also hate us)?
It was also reported today that even the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) condemned the violence in Paris. In their recent "condemnation", CAIR issued a statement that they will "redouble our efforts in vigilance and confronting extremism." Ironically, this organization has applauded the violence in Israel while claiming Israel alone is the reason for global violence (See and So which is it? Violence and extremism when it is used to your favor is okay, but not when it isn't? And isn't this the real problem we are facing? Some say "Give Peace A Chance", others say "stop buying gasoline" while others say sacrifice the Jews and Israel and all will be better? Yet for over 70 years, organizers of efforts to destroy the Jews claimed it was all for the betterment of the world - and we know what happened as a result. Am I sympathetic to the French people? Hell yes! Am I sympathetic to the French Government that promotes terror by joining the economic isolation of Israel? (See Hell no!
Back in 1948, while President Truman was pondering whether to formally recognize the new State of Israel, none other than General George C. Marshall cautioned him that to side with Israel would "enflame the Arab Street!" And when it came to retaliating against the murderous attacks on our military in Beirut, President Reagan was advised by his Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberg that to attack the Bekaa Valley would "enflame the Arab Street!" And ever since, American foreign policy seems to double-clutch whenever an advisor proclaims any action might "enflame the Arab Street." So what to do now that ISIS/ISIL is maintaining a full-blown campaign to terrorize the West? What is to be done now that Hezbollah and Hamas, funded by Obama's new friends in Iran are dead set to kill as many Jews as possible? Do we continue to avoid "enflaming the Arab Street"? Do we simply stop purchasing gasoline? Do we sacrifice our way of life so the gangster manipulated "Arab Street" can continue its objective of killing other Arabs, Jews and anyone that they deem "necessary" in their convoluted "jihad?" Or do we say "Fuck Israel" like the morons at Hunter College?
As a student of history, I recognize that international geo-political problems require a bevy of diplomatic solutions. I also understand that "soft" diplomacy only works when "hard" diplomacy is ready to be implemented. How much longer will the World believe the notion that peace is through the gangsters that control the "Arab Street" instead of through harsh military action? When will the thoughts and prayers of the "World's Street" take precedence over the fear of the contemporary "Arab Street"? If we continue to ignore these assaults they will only get worse. We've tried diplomacy. It hasn't worked. Obama says we've "contained" ISIS/ISIL but we haven't. When airliners are blown from the sky, when innocents are slaughtered on the streets of Paris, in cafes, stadiums and concert halls ISIS/ISIL is not contained. Yet, Israeli citizens have been blown up by terrorists for decades. Where is the solidarity? Where is the outrage towards the murderers? Are these innocent victims simply illusions? Have their murders only been "alleged?" Are their lives compared to those elsewhere in the world as "virtual" and easily ignored?
We are engaged in a street fight with gangsters and murderers - there is no other way to put it. Do we just roll over and "play nice" because we fear them? Or do we accept the fact that lessons need to be learned and they are too tough to be taught by being "nice" to our enemies? To my liberal friends who post on Facebook and the Huffington Post and other liberal outlets, go ahead and call me a warmonger. It's a label I will proudly wear if it means protecting The United States, Israel and the "World's Street" for I choose to freely live on without fear and trepidation.
As President Theodore Roosevelt once wrote; "Walk softly and carry a big stick!'" Perhaps it's time to remind some that the "big stick" can still be swung! I stand in solidarity with Israel and the United States. The rest of the World can join US when they realize the "World's Streets" are for everyone, not just the terrorists! Have a great week.