Curious, I checked into some of the Internet message boards only to find the Conservatives are at it again. Many reflected the following beliefs..."Obama is the least transparent president in the history of the United States." Obviously, they have no idea what they are talking about because we have a long history of presidents having secrets kept from the public. But when calling Obama out for not revealing his college transcripts and passport applications, where do they stand on calls for Mitt Romney to release the last ten year's worth of his tax returns? If they demand transparency of Obama, where is their outrage that Romney will not release his tax returns? What could Romney possibly be hiding? Perhaps he paid no taxes for some years? Worse yet, perhaps he sought taxpayer amnesty for tax strategies that have been proven to be illegal? I am willing to bet it is both. We know he parked money off shore to avoid paying higher taxes, so neither possible reasons are that far fetched. But we know Obama graduated from Columbia and Harvard. We know he was a top student because only the very best become president of the Harvard Law Review. So why the demand for these documents? Could it be to make an issue out of possible Affirmative Action? The man was elected president of the United States. Isn't that enough evidence that Affirmative Action worked in Obama's case?
The bottom line is obvious. Republicans cannot admit they lost the race for the White House in 2008. They cannot admit that Obama inherited an economic disaster. They cannot admit that they began labeling Obama a failure FIVE days into his Administration and have created an entire political narrative in order to keep Obama from succeeding so they can re-take the White House in 2012. If they lose again, what will they then begin to claim? Perhaps they will all turn into caricatures of Donald Trump who is almost as famous as the other "Donald"... as in Duck. Talk about Looney Tunes!