Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) went directly on the Republican communication arm, aka Fox News and proclaimed Obama should prove he has real "guts" and admit that he has no respect for the Second Amendment and that Obama "secretly" wants to amend or eliminate the Amendment in its entirety. But Obama says everyone has a right to own and possess a gun and sportsmen can retain their shot guns and rifles. So what gives? Thankfully, folks like Marco Rubio can tell us what Obama really means when he says we can keep our guns. Gee, how thankful we should all be for having guys like Rubio with the "guts" to read Obama's mind and interpret his public statements for us ( because I honestly thought Obama said we could keep our guns). How wrong could I be? Thanks Marco!
Have you heard what GOP darling Michele Bachmann is saying now? She warns that Americans are losing sleep because they fear the US under Obama is in decline and China is taking us over! Be afraid, very afraid! Should we heed the "Chicken Littles" of the GOP? As I have mentioned before, Americans are beginning to wake up to the fact the GOP is now dominated by a "Lunatic Fringe." Am I the only one to think this? Hardly! The new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll puts the favorable rating of the GOP at 26% with an unfavorable rating of 49%! What does that really mean? 74% of Americans don't have a positive opinion of Republican leaders, including GOP governors! Am I also the only one to know that under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, the Militia that gun advocates seem to so strongly to believe in, are to actually be commanded by the President of the United States? Think these folks have ever actually read the document? Perhaps through a gun scope?
So it is no wonder that the GOP is undergoing a sort of fission process...splitting apart while producing a lot of heat while providing an adequate supply of political hot air! But the GOP seems a bit blinded by the bright light from such a fission, because they seem unable to see that their party is imploding! Although we need at least two political parties to have a strong democracy, I cannot help but stand in awe of the breadth of their insensitivity and disassociation with reality while their decline is intensified by a recalcitrant supporting media. So thanks Marco. Thanks Michele. Thanks GOP. Tell us what you really think!