On top of this news, Jeb Bush has begun to campaign for the Presidency. Like most politicians with name recognition, Jeb Bush is using the guise of marketing a new book on immigration to get his name out in front of other potential GOP candidates on the national scene. So much for Marco Rubio (he has publicly stated that any move by his mentor Jeb Bush to run would clear the GOP field). On top of this obvious move to become the GOP frontrunner, Bush has suddenly changed his stance on immigration reform from allowing a path to citizenship to a path withholding citizenship. Now Bush publicly claims his book was written last year and that his position has not changed, however, just last summer Bush was all in favor of reforms that included citizenship. So why the sudden change? Because Bush (ala Romney), has decided to run for President and needs to swing further to the Right on the political spectrum in order to meet the current GOP litmus test for being a "real Conservative."
When asked this morning on MSNBC's Cup of Joe, Bush commented that he sees the continued need to expand education so that parents have more choices via vouchers for their children to select their own schools, and mandating more testing for students to measure gains that will be directly tied to teacher compensation. In other words, Bush believes in a strategy of siphoning more money to private concerns from public tax money. As an educator, Bush's position as it relates to Education appears to be "No Child Left Behind2.016." As far as I am concerned, this is a deal breaker. Sorry Jeb, but name recognition may not be all that you believe it to be, and the more things seem to change, the more they stay the same!