The Atlantic article that published these statements has been collaborated by not only the Associated Press, but also Fox News (who still sheepishly claims Trump's denials somehow warrant equal time). As mentioned long, long ago, when a man lies as easily as he breathes, it will one day come back to haunt him. Donald Trump, may (hopefully) know when his bevy of lies will come home to roost when Election Day arrives. But this year's pandemic has made Election Day something different than in prior years. This year, Election Day starts as soon as early voting begins (which is a lot sooner than November). As soon as voters get their ballots in the mail, do yourself and the country a huge favor by taking a screen shot of it completed and instead of dropping it in the mail (which Trump has also politicized), take it to a drop off box at your local election offices. That way, they are sure to be received and counted by November 3. And remember, Donald Trump, repeating Russian talking points about mail in voting fraud, wants to be able to claim victory at the polls on November 3, so he can claim he was robbed in a "rigged election" once the mail in ballots are actually counted. Dropped off ballots are the only mechanism he can not cheat or steal from (despite his bogus claims it will be filled with fraudulent fake ballots).
Our president is a traitor, one willing to divide this great nation for his own benefit and gain. He will do anything to win re-election - including starting a war, destroying American cities or tying up the election in the courts. But we have the solution, we have the Anti-Trump vaccine. VOTE for Joe Biden and for Democrats to take over the Senate so that our country can heal and return America to some sense of normalcy.
Never in our history have we had a Commander in Chief despise our military like Trump. Never have we witnessed a cabinet filled with corrupt sycophants. Not since Nixon have we had an Attorney Generals (convicted John Mitchell and Richard Kleindienst) use the DOJ as a personal protection racquet for the benefit of one man instead of the Country. The only hoax we have been witnessing, is Donald Trump, a reality Television Star whose makeup, fancy hair style and kitchen cabinet full of lies and distortions, will be removed from office like a stain that has blotted our Nation's tapestry of Equal Justice For All.
As John Kennedy famously said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country." Donald Trump thinks those words are for "suckers" and "losers." Let's finally label Trump a Loser come election Day. Have a great and safe Labor Day Weekend!