Donald Trump lied to the American people in order to create an illusion of control - all for his personal benefit of deflecting blame from the damage he has caused to our economy and to the health of our nation. If labeling our military "Losers" and "Suckers" didn't move MAGAs to realize Trump is worthless as president, will the fact that he lied about the deadly virus change their opinions? Probably not when Fox News and print media always give him an offramp to escape the scrutiny he deserves for distorting, misleading and outright lying to us about a national health emergency - all under the muse of taking "No Responsibility."
Trump Lied and People Died. The GOP allows it to happen and still support his re-election. Clearly, caring for the nation is secondary to caring about their unbridled thirst for power and money. It's time to vote them ALL out of office. Otherwise, countless millions of Americans can count on more lies, deceptions and the ultimate death of our democratic-republic. Oh, and remember, we once were united after the 9/11 attacks on America that killed 2,996 Americans. Trump divides us when over 200,000 have died. Try to have a safe week.