We witnessed another debate, but no matter what was said, Trump's "I'll leave you in suspense" when asked if he would accept the outcomes of the election was all that resonated. Every other thing from the debate was over shadowed by his answer. Coupled with his constant whine about the election being "rigged" and we have an actual candidate for the presidency overtly attempting to undermine our democratic process. Fortunately, most Americans will brush this off once the election is over. But millions of Trump supporters may not be so ready to forget Trump's mantra. For the sake of America, I can only hope that they can and will step back and realize the candidate they invested so much emotion in was not the person best suited to be president.
With this sentiment, I have also been seeing more demands that we now push to modify the Constitution to allow for term limits. Except we have them, they are called elections! Perhaps elections are not as effective when so many voters choose not to vote. They have that right - they can choose not to participate in the franchise so many have fought so hard for. When asked why they don't vote, most complain they have no time due to work. But complaining about career politicians being sent back to Washington while waiving their own right to vote is a tad bit hypocritical. There are many other "reforms" we can do to improve our system before we go and amend the Constitution. Making a national voting day would help. Providing time off work to vote would eliminate the most cited reason for not voting. But others seem to no longer care to vote - or for that matter, even pay attention to our political discourse. Some of those "disaffected" voters complain everything IS rigged. But when pressed, many admit they are so out of touch with our country's policies, they wish to remain "blissfully ignorant." It makes me wonder how many do vote while being so ignorant? Unfortunately, I fear many.
I posted a rant earlier this week about our democratic tradition of using the ballot box to alter our government instead of violence. I actually had someone write me to say they disagreed. Huh? I'm still waiting to hear why they feel this way. Yet, if some no longer trust our electoral process, then what hope is there for our country? What could be worse for our nation? The folks that promote this belief (in my experience) rely solely upon right-wing conspiracy theories. So instead of using one's own head, they allow others to mold and refine their view of America. After all, if you complain about something for eight straight years, you would think it would form a basis for the audience to embrace such rantings. Just like a lie - tell it enough times or long enough, some may believe it. Unfortunately, some are actually believing that elections can no longer be the mechanism to change our government. To these folks, I sincerely wish you would put the conspiracy machine aside. Do they really want a civil war? Some have voiced such sentiments. Perhaps if they believe lawyers should never represent rape victims, they can defend themselves before the Courts when they are apprehended for the treasonous act of advocating and engaging in the violent overthrow of the United States? Yes, the government these faux patriots want to take down is our United States. It's called Treason for a Reason!
As President George Washington once said; "Mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government." With that in mind, I will be voting early. It will then finally be time for me to say "Yes, I am there!" Have a great week!