Now don't get me wrong folks. I am both Jewish AND a Zionist. I support the State of Israel with my money and my prayers. I have been to Israel and wish to return. It is the land of my heritage and of my connection with G-d. But I have to admit that I am appalled that any foreign leader would dip his toes into our political waters in a direct effort to affect our presidential election. Netanyahu knows exactly what he is doing when he calls out the United States administration. He knows the issue of Israel and Iran is a hot button topic with Republicans trying to wrest away Obama's support in the Jewish American community. He seems to believe that if Mitt Romney is elected, he will get an immediate "green light" to initiate an assault on Iran, while President Obama is of the opinion that Israel would suffer considerable international damage should it act unilaterally. Regardless of the difference between Obama and Romney as it relates to Israel and Iran, Netanyahu's attempt to interject his objection to Obama's policy into our elections and related discussions is completely and utterly out of bounds. Amazingly, Romney supporters along with Fox News continue to promote Netanyahu's statements as proof Obama is not interested in Israel's security.
Ironically, Republicans in the United States overwhelmingly support Netanyahu's aggressive policy towards Iran, yet 50% of Israelis disagree with their own Prime Minister. So if only half of Israelis support Netanyahu's militaristic approach to Iran, why should 100% of Republicans support him? More importantly, where does Benyamin Netanyahu get off attempting to influence our presidential election? Although the outcome may directly affect your country, American elections are for Americans to decide.
Now that we know of the attacks in Egypt and Libya, perhaps Netanyahu's comments have fallen to the background (except on Fox). The reality is simple. If Obama launches an attack on Iran before the election, Republicans will scream Obama is pandering to use his position as Commander In Chief to create a "convenient" war to grab headlines and the election. If Obama does nothing until after November 6, Republicans will claim in the interim that he has failed to support Israel and should be voted out of office in favor of Romney. Netanyahu knows this, but he also knows helping Romney will give him a freer hand than one Obama is willing to give him. My message to Bibi is simple, We've got your back, but until November 6, "Back Off!"