Although one might think this is just an opinion, anyone, even a casual observer of the current impeachment trial can deduce that the GOP/Contras have no intention of protecting the independence and institutional authority the Senate has under Article I to check and oversee the Executive created under Article II. Even though the Constitution allows for the Executive under Article II to be subject to oversight, including removal for any actions determined by the House of Representatives, it remains steadfast in its willingness to forgo its authority in favor of supporting a president intent on blurring all lines, not just norms but also the once clearly demarcated lines of authority laid out by the Framers in our dear Constitution. If the Congress has no power to require the Executive to answer for its actions, then the American people no longer have the ability to check a rogue president while in office.
Now many GOP/Contra supporters like to tell us we have elections to ensure our authority over a rogue president. Their argument loses all credibility when a president can use his authority to abuse the election's integrity by asking for foreign interference and more importantly, potentially use the power of the government to ensure elections are no longer fair. Think this is a far fetched notion? I think not. "Hey Russia, are you listening..."
How many times have we heard from the GOP/Contras in the House and Senate that the Democrats have been trying to impeach Trump since his election? If this is true, then why would someone knowingly under such scrutiny continue to press forward with unethical and unlawful activities designed to take advantage of their position of authority solely to benefit for their own personal gains? In other words, if you know a test proctor is watching you like a hawk to ensure you don't cheat, would you still brazenly pull out a cheat guide for the exam and willingly allow the proctor to see you openly and wrongfully use it? Not only did Trump just "survive" the Mueller Report (solely because the Department of Justice has a memo from decades ago saying a sitting president cannot be indicted), but he immediately (within hours) leveraged $390 Milli0n worth of US military and financial support to Ukraine in exchange for a fabricated (made up) investigation into his chief political rival. Why would he then lie about it, only to circle back and admit it on television and then expect everyone to simply accept it? If someone is under scrutiny for their prior behavior, most people would mind their "P's and Q's" to ensure they were never caught. Perhaps this is why Trump used Rudy Giuliani and his meddlesome associates to secretly engage in a "shadow foreign policy" designed solely to benefit himself; which is the epitome of abusing one's office.
Currently the GOP/Contras will not allow any additional evidence or testimony to come forward, even though the American public can plainly see that the GOP Party not only has lost its moral ground, it has sunk under the mighty weight of the Trump Swamp itself. Perhaps in the coming years, the Democrats in office will take patriotic steps to bring our nation back under the Rule of Law...perhaps not. But you can bet the GOP/Contra Party will raise hell if anyone other than themselves even tries to get away with the nonsense they are currently engaged in. And perhaps "down the road", all of the actual evidence of wrongdoing will be revealed to the Public, and when the extent of Trump's wrongdoing is fully exposed, then what? GOP/Contra's will probably claim they "didn't know." Except they could have known, but instead engaged in a hyper-partisan Anti-American effort to mislead the public while claiming impeachment is a hoax and there really is nothing to see here. We can only hope that when the truth actually comes out, the American public will forever remind the GOP/Contras that their governmental power and authority ended the day they ceded their authority to a rogue president, well known for his penchant to lie and deceive. All for the price of some re-election promise. One day, America will wake up from this nightmare known as Trumpism. Let's hope this occurs this November (while we still have a chance). Have a great week.