As usual, Trump supporters are willing to sacrifice everything except their undying loyalty to the man, because of "all the good he has done!" But when pressed on what good he has done the answer remains singularly focussed on two confirmations of Supreme Court justices. Not the failed tax cuts. Not the gutting of the ACA (and pre-existing conditions protections). Not the "successful" negotiations with North Korea that accomplished nothing. Just that "he's done good for America" without any further basis for maintaining this belief. Now that we have finally have reached the Mid-Term elections, those supporting Trump seem only interested in preserving his platform that spews hate and division - all under the guise of maintaining power, even if by dishonest and corrupt means (see voter suppression, gerrymandering, etc).
It's high time we take our country back from the fools that support Trump and his agenda. How can I say this? Easy. The man's platform is destroying the social fabric of America - which does more to destroy America as a whole than any foreign enemy could possibly do militarily. Trump is a fool. Yes I said it. He is a manipulative fool that deserves scorn and rebuke - something we would have expected from the GOP just two decades ago. Yet by today's standards, the GOP supports an authoritative regime in the White House and shows little regard to truth and integrity. Something we all demand and deserve from the president, commander-in-chief and leader of the free world.
What can you do about it? VOTE for forcing Trump and his allies to become accountable for their lies, distortions and potential corruption. VOTE for a check on a rogue presidency that flaunts the Constitution ("I can change the 14th Amendment via an Executive Order", etc). VOTE FOR AMERICA by ensuring the Framers' intent of creating a check and balance on an Executive that sees himself above the law. VOTE for integrity and honesty - something the GOP and Trump certainly lack!
As President Harry S. Truman once said; "I have no desire to crow over anybody or to see anybody eating crow, figuratively or otherwise. We should all get together and make a country in which everybody can eat turkey whenever he pleases." The only way we can guarantee we work together is to put a check on those that think they alone have all of the answers! ON TUESDAY, VOTE FOR AMERICAN VALUES OF HONESTY! VOTE FOR INTEGRITY. VOTE FOR AMERICA! VOTE BLUE! Have a great week!