For years I have warned people that when the Republicans tell us to be very worried about "others" they really mean that to distract us from looking more closely at their very own aims and objectives. Hypocrisy rules the GOP to its core. Nothing else really matters to them except to deceive and corrupt others for their ultimate desire for absolute control and power.
Instead of recognizing the death of RBG as a real opportunity to swing the nation back from the abyss of Trump and division, the GOP doubles down on forcing us further apart. Instead of acknowledging that their own rule about holding off nominations and confirmations of Supreme Court Justices in an election year (as they so clearly decided in 2016), they instead see an opportunity to force their "choice" upon us all. Why else have they so proudly proclaimed they have the numbers needed in the Senate to confirm Trump's nominee to the High Court- before a nominee has even been named? Are they going to forgo any confirmation hearings too? Just cast off any tradition of having a Confirmation process and instead, just rubber stamp the nominee - no matter if they are vetted or qualified to serve a lifetime appointment to the High Court? Are they really willing to give up so much to gain temporary political domination?
I have a list of things the Democrats must do if they are to win the House, Senate and the White House. Republicans and the citizens they represent be damned.
1. Pass legislation to increase the size of the Supreme Court to at least 11 justices (and perhaps 13). "Packing the Court" used to be a bad thing - but using "rules" to withhold a confirmation from one president while ignoring those very same rules when it comes to "their President?" Just raise the number of justices on the High Court and let the chips fall where they may. Problem solved.
2. Pass immediate legislation requiring all States comply with Federal rules relating to re-districting. Since the census is being completed (as required in the Constitution), Congress should dictate how each state determines the legislative districts and how they are to be drawn. Hence, require all states to create Independent Districting Commissions to determine Congressional districts. This will fairly eliminate gerrymandering that the GOP has long used to create "safe Seats", thereby making them more responsible to the people they represent instead of the Party overlords that control them.
3. Pass immediate legislation establishing the Right to Choose for all Women. Make legal abortion federal law. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that prohibits abortion - only GOP wet dreams make it a crime.
4. Immediately make health care a Human Right by passing legislation making it available to all citizens.
5. Immediately pass emergency legislation to battle climate change. Screw the GOP and climate deniers. If a "Caravan of Immigrants" is a national emergency, certainly climate change is a REAL one.
6. Require national standards for diversity in all law enforcement agencies - along with limits on their protection against liability if they negligently (or criminally) violate citizens' protected civil rights. Making police pay for their unlawful actions instead of the taxpayers may actually force law enforcement to put their "rogue" beliefs in check.
7. Weed out White Supremacists from law enforcement and the US Military. Democracy cannot afford them in our ranks.
8. Declare White Supremacy movements, including QAnon as National Security Threats. Tools they use to recruit must be regulated and monitored to protect Americans from their undemocratic influences.
9. Crack down on social media that allows violent groups oxygen. It isn't a First Amendment issue - its an issue of national security.
10. Require news agencies to label opinions when giving versions of "facts" that are not in line with reality. I would also recommend legislation be passed requiring all FCC license holders to meet the requirements of licensure standards. In other words, FOX News is a registered "Entertainment" outlet, not a "news" outlet. Until they revamp their hyper-partisan and distorting ways, they should no longer be allowed to promote "News" unless they are willing to be held accountable for their lies, distortions and misleading propaganda,
11. Legislate against Citizens United and wait for the New Supreme Court to uphold the new law. ALL political donations must be identified. All PACS must report every penny they receive in donations and a public list of contributors should be easily accessible to the public. PACS can no longer put advertising in any media form. They also must not be allowed to launder donations or bundle them. It's time to take dark money out of our political process.
12. Limit all political campaigns to six months prior to the next election cycle.
13. Beef up the Hatch Act and make all politicians abide by it (including the President and his advisors).
14. Eliminate all Statute of Limitations for political corruption.
15. Legislate criminal penalties for refusing to abide by Congressional subpoenas. This would include members of the White House.
16. Eliminate any loopholes allowing a sitting president to avoid criminal investigation or indictment while in office.
17. Eliminate the Electoral College by passing a Constitutional Amendment. One citizen, one vote.
18. Admit Washington DC and Puerto Rico as the 51st and 52nd States. It's about time. As they say in Washington, "No taxation without representation."
19. Eliminate the filibuster in the Senate. Force the GOP to be back seaters in the government they have created in their own image - ignoring the minority when in majority power. The only way to combat the GOP hypocrisy is to fight with the same power they have clung to since Reagan.
Vote Blue to Save America - before it's too late! Try to have a safe week!