Did anyone notice that Scientific American recently reported that over 93% of the material presented on climate change on Fox News is wrong? That 81% of the reports on climate change presented in The Wall Street Journal is also wrong? We know climate change should be a universal concern, but the GOP and its ideological supporters have made it a major political issue instead. Along the way, their main outlets for information have in fact been engaged in a campaign of obvious "misinformation." Gee, "Fair and Balanced" Fox News caught in documented lies? Can it be? You bet. Will this even remotely cause its avid audience to begin to question whether the information they routinely present on Obama or political issues may also be wrong? Don't count on it. Those on the extreme ends of both sides ("Wing Nuts") fairly often refuse to face actual facts, and instead, act defensively by attacking the messenger instead. When facts are not in their favor, they label the messenger as "biased" and "Untruthful." Perhaps that is why the Romney camp actually came out and proclaimed they were not at all concerned with "Fact Checkers" in this campaign?
More evidence of misinformation was just confirmed again with a statement by Mike Huckabee that the Administration's handling of the murder of our diplomats, including Ambassador Stevens is nothing more than a cover-up "worse than Watergate." I will agree it does not look good. I will agree that we must have an administration that can get its act together when tragedy occurs. But "worse than Watergate?" How little Huckabee and his audience knows about Watergate. How little they remember, no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq! When will Americans learn that the real fog of confusion is created by pundits and talking heads. How can we demand our politicians talk "straight" with us until we demand the media talk straight first?