I did have an opportunity to watch last nights first debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney. Like everyone else, I was surprised that Obama simply refused to engage Mr. Romney when multiple opportunities arose. As a result, I too believe Romney overwhelmingly won the debate and expect both a bounce in the polls and a recommittment of big donors to support his campaign.
What I did not comprehend was the incessant slam on Obama that "he seemed preoccupied" or "He didn't seem to want to be here" rhetoric. Although I am not privy to Obama's schedule, perhaps he spent a bit of time being briefed on Turkey's launching of missiles into Syria and Russia's sabre rattling about keeping NATO out of the conflict. Could it be possible that Obama was distracted and really didn't want to be at the debate due to his responsibilities as Commander in Chief? Anyone else notice how fast Obama left the stage after greeting the Romney family? I wonder...how much of the events in Syria had Obama's attention? We will probably never know.
Although polling indicates an overwhelming victory for Romney in the debate, Republicans must remain cautious. Why after such a devastating beat down of Obama should they be worried? Because many folks, Republicans and Democrats agreed Romney won, but we all know Democrats will turn out to vote for Obama, regardless of debate outcomes. Plus, Obama has already begun to use the Fact Checkers to point out the flip flops committed by Romney during the debate. Did Romney score needed points? Absolutely! Did he interject enthusiasm back into his campaign and its supporters? You bet! Will he move the needle in Ohio and Wisconsin? Probably not, but we shall see.