Well, I must admit, I am prepared for the event. The theme of the presentation is Education! No, not the currently popular Science, Technology,Engineering and Mathematics ("STEM") initiatives, but good old fashion education in American History and the Constitution. Far too many folks think they know our great history and Constitution, but with very little inquiry, one comes to the conclusion they actually know very little. In fact, the complaint I will be voicing is that our collective knowledge of History and the Constitution is the most severe threat to our democratic-republic. Why else would so many citizens today rely upon the ideologically oriented for-profit media for their information? With historically low levels (PUN intended) of historical knowledge, Americans have become susceptible to be manipulated by politicians and their supporting media. The only way to arm our citizens to protect us from infringements of our rights and liberties is not the possession of firearms, but the possession of knowledge! It should prove to be an interesting evening for me as I will have the first opportunity to gauge my views before a relatively large and politically diverse group. I will let you know how it goes!
Please note that I will be heading to Tallahassee immediately after presenting to the Venice High School Literacy Council on Wednesday to meet with members of the Florida Supreme Court. This get together will focus on the history of the Court since the state's switch from electing Justices to appointing them based upon merit. It should prove to be an enlightening couple of days in Tallahassee! Unfortunately, I am unsure if I will have sufficient time to post the remainder of the week. So please hang in there, check back often and I will get back to posting as soon as I am able. Until then, help spread the word...Americans are safer being well armed with knowledge than being well armed with guns.