Just today the GOP led House of Representatives released a report signed exclusively by House Republicans identifying Hillary Clinton as the culprit behind the attack on our Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Now the odd part of the report is not that it was signed by every Republican member of Darrell Issa's (R-CA) House Oversight Committee or that the Report did not have a single Democratic member's signature. No that is not odd, that's politics. What is odd is that the Report states that the Former Secretary of State is to blame because a memo from bears her signature indicating a refusal to provide spending for additional security for the Consulate before the attack. The State Department has publicly reported that all memos from the Department in Washington bear her name and signature because Under-Secretaries act under her authority. The State Department has no evidence that Hillary Clinton was actually involved in the decision to reject the request for additional security for the Consulate. Regardless, Clinton accepted full responsibility for the Benghazi tragedy when she addressed the Senate in January. But that did not stop the GOP Committee from making their revealing report public. Does anyone actually believe the terrorists acted only after the State Department decided not to provide the additional security funds? Historically, Republicans have a nasty habit of trying to marginalize Democrats even when the events don't turn out in their favor. Anyone remember the Isolationist GOP led Nye Committee meetings led by GOP Senator Gerald Nye? Just as Adolf Hitler was moving to conquer Europe, FDR was preparing to get the United States into the World War. Standing in his way? A Republican committee reported that WWI was merely an excuse by President Wilson to guarantee huge profits for industry and that there was no reason for America to have entered the World War. As the Republicans declared hunting season on FDR, Hitler pounded London while moving swiftly to capture every living European Jew. We know the Republicans worked to marginalize FDR for political purposes. We know the Republicans are up to the same games today. In fact, Lindsey Graham took to the airwaves on Fox this morning alleging that the Obama Administration has failed to protect America as evidenced from the attacks on Benghazi and Boston. I thought Republicans had accused democrats of "politicizing" Benghazi? Oops! Think the terms used by Graham like "Failing" and "Benghazi" are not by design? You bet they are. They are designed to redirect all discussion back to opening hunting season on Hillary.
A Facebook posting shared today by one of my Right Wing friends was an old rant on Bill and Hillary Clinton. The post "shared" by my friend, features a photo of the Clintons from 43 years ago. With the photo are the following statements, "Old draft evaders never die." The story goes on to claim Bill Clinton is the "First Pardoned Federal Felon ever to serve as President of the United States!" Snopes.com found the entire claim originally made in 2002 to be "False" but that does not stop Right Wing ideologues from spreading it anew! Of course they keep repeating it, because it's Open Hunting Season on the Clintons! The story ends with the request folks share it on their Facebook because "We don't want this woman to even THINK of running for president!" Ironically, Hillary never "dodged" a draft. Incredibly, the photo is from 1970 and Hillary and Bill were not married until 1975. Perhaps FDR said it best, "I am neither bitter nor cynical, but I do wish there was less immaturity in political thinking! The GOP sure is trying to make it a long, long campaign for the White House in 2016! In the mean time, look out, It's Hunting Season!