"I did not leave an email address because I would prefer you answered questions about your blog on your blog. You still did not address the issue of using one Republican man's opinions about what he feels the government should do to say that this was Republican policy. Mitt Romney uses Mitt as his name in every ad and piece of paper that he endorses. Barack Obama uses his name in the same way. Using Willard was just as disrespectful (ha ha funny name) as it would be to use Hussein for Barack Obama. As a high school teacher you can influence many young minds and when you get your facts wrong and when you are obviously so biased that you can only see one side of this election, you should get called out on your mistakes and your bias."
I thought I made it very clear that officials within the GOP were using Obama's middle name with a purpose, but you ignored my response entirely. Unfortunately Ann, this is MY blog and I will not engage in a personal dialogue (beyond this posting) with you at your whim.
As far as attacking my personal integrity as a teacher, you should be ashamed of yourself. Why? Because IF you knew anything about me, you would KNOW I do not tell my students about my blog, nor do I give them the web address. For students that tell me they have found the blog, I have told them point blank, it may appear to be ideological at times and I prefer that ideology and bias REMAIN OUT OF THE CLASSROOM. So, the one who should be "called out" is YOU Ann, for making an inflammatory and untrue assumption about they way I teach my students. So Ann, YOU are the one with the facts wrong. This is the last blog I will be replying to you. If you wish a reply, supply your email. Unfortunately Ann, it is you that can only see one side of this election. Perhaps you would like to share YOUR expertise when it comes to law, education, American history, political science and elections? IF you have such expertise, write your own blog.