Despite President Obama's efforts to extend reasonable restrictions on access to firearms, and despite Marco Rubio's public statements that the President "secretly" hates the Second Amendment, the President has actually fired a gun. In fact. perhaps has often engaged in skeet shooting!
Now I don't know why this has become a big deal for some, but Obama has consistently proclaimed that Americans can keep their shotguns, hunting rifles and pistols for self-defense and defense of property, but those on the Right, supported by the National Rifle Association ("NRA"), can't seem to stop slamming the man for "wanting to take our guns away from us!" Not long ago, a reporter snidely asked the President if he had ever fired a gun and the response was "yes." Shocked by the response, gun advocates began demanding proof of Obama's gun use seemingly more than they have demanded to see his college transcripts and birth certificate. "Obama is lying, as usual" was the typical response from the Right Wing Media. Think I am making this up? If you ever bothered to look on Facebook, you would see multiple photoshopped memes denouncing Obama and making fun of his assertion of gun use - and it got much worse once the White House released a photo taken back in November of Obama in fact skeet shooting at Camp David. The official response from the Right Wing Media? Not good enough...we demand more proof!
Now I am no gun expert, but I have fired pistols and AR-14's and I can tell you that the photo of the President exhibits a fundamental knowledge on how to use a firearm. Obama, wearing eye and ear protection, has the rifle aligned properly on his shoulder, his "guide" arm firmly steadying the barrel at his target. I challenge any critic of Obama's to tell me the President is not firing the rifle properly. So what gives? Could it be the President has indeed engaged in skeet shooting at Camp David and therefore, has a working knowledge of firearms and firearm safety? Could it be that he enjoys using a rifle for sport and his approval of firearms for sport is genuine? Could it be?
Could all of this nonsense really fall at the feet of the NRA and their disingenuous effort to claim Second Amendment protection while really seeking to maximize profits for their benefactors...the firearm manufacturers? Of course it is! For a good review of the NRA's claim of "Constitutional Freedoms" as cover for their manufacturing members, check out "The NRA vs. America, the Powers Behind The Merchants of Death" by Tom Dickinson in this month's issue of Rolling Stone. It says it all!
So pictures are worth a thousand words. Unfortunately, they do not include the plain and obvious words needed to gun crazed, shoot from the hip Obama haters..."You're Off Target!"