Now I know you might think I am "jumping the shark" here, but hear me out. Personally, I think abortion is abhorrent. I would never want to be a part of such an event, and any decision to terminate a child is one not to be taken lightly as it must be justified to one's Maker. But this is my opinion based upon my personal religious beliefs. But I also believe that a woman IS the victim of a rape, NOT the embryo that might result from it. I believe, as does my religion, that the embryo created in a woman as a result of a rape can create such trauma for the woman, both physically and mentally, that abortion is justified. Although a rape happens and is over for the rapist, the psychological impact on the victim may endure. Adding to this trauma by forcing a woman by law to endure childbirth of that unwanted child is cruel and can directly lead to a severe emotional and psychological damage, exasperating the trauma a woman suffers from rape. Where does one's own religious beliefs become the government's stance on Abortion? Whose religious beliefs do we go by? The First Amendment makes it clear that Government shall make no laws favoring one religion over another. Aren't attempts to ban all abortions based upon certain religious beliefs not universally held by all religions a violation in of itself of the First Amendment's Establishment Clause? This is the current Republican Party's stance on prohibiting all abortion, even in the instance of rape and incest. Paul Ryan repeatedly makes his anti-abortion position, regardless of rape or incest the cornerstone of his Pr0-life, Pro-Catholic platforms.
Rape is not a victimless crime. The embryo created as a result of rape is not the victim of rape. Women are the real victims of rape!